Charlie has said on many occasions hed do ANYTHING for his children. A Scientific Analysis of Dr. Ryan Cole's False Claims: "There Is No Nanotech and No Graphene" in C19 Vax Vials; Counter-terrorism teams deployed against peaceful Australians labelled as 'Conspiracy Theorists' (Video) Eventually there will be only one way out of this Khazarian-created killshot clusterf*ckONLY ONE! He has several connections with the banking industry and the rollout of the new Quantum financial system. Book Reviews: The Immaculate Deception & The Art of the Steal, about 9. i Think we get 75% true and 25% misinformation both as a way to inform the public and to Misdirect the Deep state. I am a writer and I love to gather interesting stories and write about them. 'Critical Intel' Dr. Charlie Ward - COVID Vaccine Kill Shot - Election UFC Fighter Blasts Jimmy Kimmel As A Pedo, White House Calls Anti-2nd Amendment Summit. Charlie Ward, Jaco, Mel K, Parkes, O Savin, all shills!!!! I take this to mean they Q are definitely disseminating accurate intel to the public, perhaps through channels such as Charlie and others, but they are also planting a subtle amount of misinformation with it. But most of the time you have no definite proof of something. IDIOTS! Sin Costs Us More & Takes us Further, about Evil UNMASKED!! Charlie Ward 22 views / 21 hours ago. Good job on exposing this SCUM. This article will address the main statements made by the speaker, which have been shared and repeated by other Facebook users (here). In the video, Ward claims to have received information claiming that "every single one of the 100 people that tested the Gates vaccine out has now died. Source: Dr Charlie Ward - Fake Dr Scammer Grifter Mr Oil Tycoon Charlie Ward We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact. I know, his expertise is borrowed, so to speak. All vaccines are tested rigorously to ensure their safety and the coronavirus vaccines are no different. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has committed millions in funding to develop COVID-19 vaccines and assist their distribution (here), but it is not creating its own. 0:21: And I was brainwashed from birth, all the way through my life until I was 23 about certain things that turned out to be complete and utter rubbish. Who is Dr. Charlie Ward? While spreading total BS, I am not sure these guys are in it for the money. So I have a very good understanding about brainwashing. Simon Parkes talks about President Trumps speech at CPAC from feb 28, 2021. We help people hurt by Q. Simon Parkes also has a group membership you can purchase; members are privy to special information on what is going on in the world. He said he was a doctor to get out of a parking ticket and the title stuck. THE 5TH GENERATION WARFARE WITH GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN & CHARLIE WARD. Currently, you have to depend on his website for his authentic information as you wont be able to find Dr. Charlies Wikipedia. Hutton, Head of the Snake, about The 2014 Crewe Investigation Review. about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Therefore, he is the author of his autobiography. I'm Just Charlie: The Autobiography of Charlie Ward Peruse old posts, settle in and relax. Both their routine was t was nice while it lasted. Introduction, 3. The post Charlie Ward SHOCKING "We're Making it Happen!" - Must Video appeared first on best news here. Reuters reported in October that a volunteer in AstraZenecas coronavirus vaccine trial had died, but added that the trial would continue (here). Advanced Information Warfare, Evil UNMASKED!! The Politics of [US] Corruption/Conspiracy, 15. While he owned a Hotel, he began moving money around the world for his high profile, wealthy guests. It has worn thin, threadbare, OFF. Foreword, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Unfortunately, I can no longer open the video and . He also reveals that other major truthers are now being targeted including Mel K and Juan O Savin. When Charlie spoke with the Police he told them, Youd better catch him before me because if I catch him first Ill kill him., The Police told Charlie, If you do that youll spend the rest of your life in jail., Charlie replied, I have absolutely no problem with that.. He pretends to be a successful entrepreneur enjoying money in the sun of Spain with intelligence connections: he is just a pathetic scumbag deceiving even more pathetic scumbags. Indeed. Dr. Charlie Ward - Our Great Awakening THE FAKE LIFE OF DR. CHARLIE WARD PLEASE CLICK VIDEO TO ACTIVATE. Ill be dropping your video in my journey around the movement. Dr. Charlie Ward Net Worth Today: Bio, Wiki, Age, Videos and Wife Well, we have no idea about Dr. Charlie Wards net worth at the moment as it is believed that his earnings are under research. 7-12-2021. Dr. Charlie Ward, Who Is He? Biography, Age, Wiki, and - The Tiger News I decided in my late 20s to challenge it the British Government said its not brainwashing its indoctrination, which is exactly the same except with a posh name, 1:01 Its a bit like Donald Trump using the word Fake News when we know its Propaganda currently its very interesting about the Mainstream Media complete and utter brainwashing about the coronavirus, 1:18 Now they take their advice, the British Government and the American Government from a guy at the Imperial College London, Professor Neil Ferguson a specialist in his field., 1:40 He told both American and British Authorities that the expected death rate would be around 2.2 MILLION in America and 500k in the U.K. from the coronavirus the governments made their decision based on that, 2:05 The other day another specialist decided to challenge that suddenly Professor Neil Ferguson completely CHANGED HIS PROJECTION probably only 20k in the U.K. and probably 10k will die of Natural Causes anyway so only 10k will die of coronavirus which is less than people dying from influenza in the last couple of years, 3:00 What is very interesting is that Ferguson downgraded these projections 2 days ago and there is absolutely NO MENTION BY THE MEDIA AT ALL about this, 3:49 Since I grew up I was told that the End of the World would be 100% coming before the year 2000 I didnt need to study at school didnt need to do all these things this was the Plymouth Brethrens Teaching which I grew up in, 4:10 When I was 23, having had an arranged marriage from the age of 19 by the age of 23 I had 3 children thats their way of keeping you in reproductive but I started to challenge them and when I started to challenge them and came out of the religion my family completely disowned me from that day to this, 4:23 But you start to challenge things rather than taking things they say for granted and then finding out years down the line it was all a load of BS, 4:35 And as Ive said before, If it looks like sh*t and it smells like sh*t it probably is sh*t, 4:42 And at this moment in time the Media theyre all sponsored by the same people theyve all got the same stuff now youre locked in your houses why dont you start doing a bit of research and going outside the box, 4:58 And youll start to find out stuff and Ive got people watching my little updates with humor and just saying where do you get this information from? and Ive shown it to them, Its interesting. Research different things in your quest for knowledge and use discernment. Whodunnit? Cheers to all. Carl Jung could have been thinking about Charlie when he wrote this: Our world is so exceedingly rich in delusions. Could be longer. 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox because all the teams I use to move money for me were hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure. No one knows. There is something off about Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes videos. Are the updates used to throw the Deep State off balance or are they just spewing updated dates for views? Shock Report: Truther Charlie Ward Killed! - Dark Outpost 2023 the Year of Exposure With Charlie Ward Many Q-Team were killed or disappeared along the way. The wedding ceremony was held on the beach of Sandy Lane, Barbados, with guests from all around the globe present, including the couple's family and friends from the Marbella region. Secondly, there is no evidence to support the claim that 100 people died during a trial of any COVID-19 vaccine. Were constantly told to TRUST THE PLAN, but we dont know what the plan is. At one point they said that children these days can't even go out and play because the risk of being kidnapped is 75%. Federal Reserve HOAX YOU WORK FOR THEM! She still believes Biden was the fake president and that there were signs from Trump and all that. I learned, from listening to Charlie, that billionaires dont leave their money in the bank. Is there an off-planet aspect to this Global Reset? The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! Benjamin Fulford Report: "Global Slave Revolt" -- April 13, 2020, NESARA/GESARA: A Law that Would Change our Lives, Restored Republic via a GCR as of Dec. 31, 2020, Website Update: Important Announcement Regarding URL. I have covered topics like entertainment, health, news, medicine, restaurant reviews, and almost everything that a journalist can cover. My Latest Videos - Please allow a few seconds for them to load & stream from Bitchute LATEST . I dont even try to debate her anymore. I watched your b.s. The Pope was arrested in March 2020 because some of my Security Team was watching him. And from there grew a vocation he designed and has been involved in for more than 15 years, at least. I wish there was some way to expose them. Dr Charlie Ward - Home - Facebook He always wins!! Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021, about Evil UNMASKED!! THE GREAT AWAKENING TOUR 2023 WITH CHARLIE WARD, SIMON PARKES & DAVID MAHONEY. Simpson's 1,750 point win in 1968. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Hello from the States. 30 Reasons why I dont trust Charlie Ward by M Truth Seeker. How Evil Works US Election Conspiracy, about 17. Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Charlie Ward to the Tallahassee In an 8-18-20 video, Charlie said What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons When the Dragon bonds were valued 6-weeks ago they were estimated in the multi-quadrillions.. The so called enemy is really very well played Actors. 202318 00:57. Here is an 8-28-20 update from Charlie Freak. Political Complexities Muddy the Binary Waters, 11. I have known the Chinese Dragon family for more than 15 years. Who is Charlie Ward and Who are the Alliance? (Partially Transcribed by Thats just for starters. Ward has an overall net worth of $ 1 million to $ 5 million approximately. This video is 10 years old and has never been more relevant than it is today! About Dr. Charlie Ward. On the morning Churchill was scheduled to appear before King George IV so that the King could formally ask him to form a Government, Churchill was putting on his shoes and thought. Revenge Belies Biblical Teaching, Evil UNMASKED!! Your in a Movie. Invalid Assumptions, about US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! Beware of False Prophets in Sheep's Clothing - Dr. Rich Swier I love videos, but I miss so much crucial information. ps..don't forget to buy his silver and his book on your way out.
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