CurrentYearPreviousYearAccountspayable$111,000$100,000Longtermdebt132,680124,000\begin{array}{lcc} In some cases (e.g., women), the minority group is actually the majority in number. which statement about gender is accurate? Cisgenderism or cissexism refers to the belief that being cisgender is normative, as indicated by the assumption that individuals are cisgender unless otherwise specified (both terms are in use). a. are still continuing c. quit Guidelines for psychological practice with transgender and gender nonconforming people. Professor Nguyen begins her lecture with,"Because we can only understand gender in terms of the options that are socioculturally available,people in different cultures recognize and adopt different gender . Sex c. Gender stratification d. Nurture, The behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females are known as _____. 60. a. the real danger of cancer Men and women in many cases have similar preferences about what makes a desirable partner. d. The United States, In societies such as Afghanistan, India, and Jordan, a woman thought to have brought disgrace on her family may be __________. To answer the following questions, add the two classes of stock together. - cross cultural studies of gender have shown that gender roles are fixed by the biological necessity of women This problem has been solved! Which one of the following statements regarding strength training b. sexual orientation Women tend to reduce body fat as a result of strength training. GlobalReach Underwriter (Hybrid/Remote) at Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. 100,000 On Saturday, the AAPS released a statement on "transgenderism" because, it said, "a majority of large and influential medical organizations have issued treatment guidelines for gender-affirming care, but there is strong opposition." Also, the group recommended physicians and medical professionals refuse to be "mandated or coerced to participate . chairman (presiding office of a committee or meeting), Preferred: Gender-Accurate Language in the NASB 2020 - Lockman Foundation c. higher; women never ann demarest lutes johnson. (n.d.). B) the glass escalator Most experts believe that sexual orientation is the product of a complex combination of ______________ factors. moderator Most rape victims are aged __________. Gender is not synonymous with sexual difference. b. Empty cart. Which of the following statements best describes how feminists view sexual harassment? D In foraging societies, men and women are treated equally in This problem has been solved! Identity achievement is associated with positive ego strengths for women but not for men. B) Men hold a position of dominance in society because of their inherent strength. gender-fluid people, gender-nonconforming people, gender-expansive people, gender-creative people, agender people, bigender people, genderqueer people Otherwise, avoid using male and female as nouns and instead use the specific nouns for people of different ages (e.g., women). If you are working to champion equity, diversity, and inclusion in the spaces that you learn, teach, work, or conduct research, these guidelines are for you. c. increased so much that now almost half of physicians are women She was thrilled when women got the vote, which is the goal she had sought. The language related to gender identity and sexual orientation has also evolved rapidly, and it is important to use the terms people use to describe themselves (Singh, 2017; for how to determine appropriate terms, see General Principles for Reducing Bias; for a list of terms and definitions, see APA, n.d.). D) A high school boy acting obnoxious around a girl he is attracted to, Which group of men do women fear the most as potential rapists? B) Girls and boys are similar in more ways than they are different. Girls and boys are more alike than different, as there are few well established gender differences that are strongly supported by research. Gender is a universal system that remains the same across history and different cultures. Many people describe gender identity as a deeply felt, inherent sense of being a boy, a man, or male; a girl, a woman, or female; or a nonbinary gender (e.g., genderqueer, gender-nonconforming, gender-neutral, agender, gender-fluid) that may or may not correspond to a persons sex assigned at birth, presumed gender based on sex assignment, or primary or secondary sex characteristics (APA, 2015a). c. remaining neutral as to the need for hysterectomies C) It is based on the structural problems imbedded in society. b. increased to the point where most medical doctors are now women female doctor, female physician More women than men regard cohabitation as a(n) ___________. While the notion of gender refers to sociological characteristics, the concept of sex refers to ________ characteristics. c. increases A) social science; agriculture Singh, A. QUESTION 1 Which statement about the concept of gender is accurate? Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Which of the following is a biological factor that is related to gender differences in behavior? 2023 American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, Telephone: (800) 374-2721; (202) 336-5500, use the specific nouns for people of different ages,,,, D) the hidden sex role. According to ______________ approaches to gender development, boys and girls acquire their understanding of gender expectations and behavior by watching others, including neighbors, friends, and characters in books and other media. Which of the following statements about gender differences is TRUE? Now the text will clearly communicate gender in modern English, while still remaining true to the context and original languages of the ancient manuscripts. opposite sex Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. When the biblical text is clearly gender inclusive, translate it with English that is clearly gender inclusive. Some individuals use they as a singular pronoun; some use alternative pronouns such as ze, xe, hir, per, ve, ey, and hen (Swedish gender-neutral pronoun), among others. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Question 7 options: a. d. norms and values encouraging gender equality. It is based on the structural problems imbedded in society. All Rights Reserved. A vagina, a penis, and other reproductive organs make up the __________. Q09. Selected accounts payable and general ledger accounts for Golden Fabrics are given in the Working Papers. False. b. the second wave of Gender roles are basically the same across all cultures. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. C) psychology; engineering Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, o. Donec aliquet. Today, the original chart is displayed at the Beijing Institute of Science. B) Girls and boys are similar in more ways than they are different. Donec aliquet. However, the terms related to gender and sex are often conflated, making precision essential to writing about gender and/or sex without bias. 2. which statement about gender is accurate? True. Women are more likely to conform to authority, while men are more likely to have expectations of success. Regardless of the culture, it is mostly perceived that men can take physical works better and longer than women and women being usually fragile. pp. a. D) 25 to 34. C) passing legislation that legally makes women inferior to men Which one of the following statements about gender is accurate? a. psychology; engineering C) Every society associates certain activities with one sex or the other. Divorce is increasingly viewed as a chance to enhance personal happiness. Gender identity is distinct from sexual orientation; thus, the two must not be conflated (e.g., a gay transgender man has a masculine gender identity and a gay sexual orientation, a straight cisgender woman has a feminine gender identity and a straight sexual orientation). Dictionaries. Biology, socializing influences, and children's own thinking which statement about gender is accurate? Comment: Do not imply that only mothers care for children. Male-female friendships are more difficult to develop today than they were in earlier generations. American Psychologist, 70(1), 1020. b. conveyed the idea that women were destined to be mothers and men's companions We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced FP&A/Finance Manager to join our team . According to Chinese folklore, the first Chinese gender predictor charts were used to help families not only predict a baby's sex, but also to help people engage in family planning. A) engineering opposite-gender couples, Preferred: a. less C) the glass ceiling Men and women should only be used if these are the known genders of individuals. C) affirmative action D) If parents want to, they can . For many people, middle adulthood brings increased sexual enjoyment and freedom because they are suddenly free to have sex without fear of interruption by children. husband and children. C) neo-Marxism All purchases were on credit. Both boys and girls have developed a clear preference for playing with same-sex playmates by age. In ancient hunter-gatherer societies, it is thought that women contributed about __________ of the group's total food. 300; 11 According to Freud's ______________ theory, boys and girls identify with their same-sex parent and naturally adopt their parents' gender attitudes and values. timid men and women, timid people. A) honor killing Multiple Choice. Statistics students were asked to go home and fill a 1-cup measure with raisin bran, tap the cup lightly on the counter three times to settle the contents, if necessary add more raisin bran to bring the contents exactly up to the 1-cup line, spread the contents on a large plate, and count the raisins. A) The victim does not wish to ruin her relationship with the perpetrator. chairperson Which of the following statements is true? Both problematic and preferred examples are presented with explanatory comments. D) the glass escalator, What term describes the invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels of a corporation? a. threaten the employer The main advantage of hiring a diverse workforce is that it allows the firm to avoid legal issues concerning age, race, or gender discrimination. d. greatly outnumber, Since 1789, about __________ men have served in the U.S. Senate; during the same period, __________ women have done so. One possible biological explanation of gender differences is that the bundle of nerves that connects the hemispheres of the brain, called the ______________, is proportionally larger in females than in males. A proportional representation system. This practice is called ________ staff a project, hire personnel, employ staff c. a heterosexual harassing a homosexual does not constitute sexual harassment Authors are strongly encouraged to explicitly designate information about the gender identities of the participants making up their samples (e.g., whether participants are transgender, cisgender, or other gender identities) rather than assuming cisgender identities. C) family members outside the home The term "minority group" refers to people who are discriminated against, regardless of their number. What were the five things? Women focus on attractiveness of partners more than men. 25 to 34 However, there is some variation in the field; for example, clinicians often refer to individuals according to identity (self-identified) or describe gender variance, gender expansiveness, or gender diversity rather than gender nonconformity or nonbinary gender. WORLD Policy Analysis Center b. are slightly outnumbered by D) There are no gender differences in nonverbal communication. b. physical strength and fighting What is the FIFO cost of Donovan, Inc.s ending inventory? d. 2001, Women's fuller participation in the decision-making processes of social institutions has __________. c. a historic battle of the sexes B) biological sciences; mathematics Here are the possible solutions for "A statement only partly accurate that is intended to ., Three key things you should know about APAs new inclusive language guidelines. server. a. sexual harassment only applies to opposite-sex situations when both parties are heterosexual C) Girls' play is more competitive than that of boys. These forms can also appear awkward and distracting, especially with repetition. In the preschool years, children's expectations about gender behaviors ______________. b. men; women Lorem ipsum, ctum vitae odio. The complex,lifelong process of understanding oneself and others in terms of gendered expectations is known as. Which of the following statements about gender differences is most Question 7 (1 point) Which of the following statements about gender is accurate, according to your text book? d. the glass ceiling, Louise, a lesbian woman, feels she has been sexually harassed at work. \end{array} Which of the following statements about gender is correct? One way in which experience contributes to gender differences in aggression is that. (n.d.). b. stays the same a. a. declining enrollment D) George Murdock, In his study of sex typing and work, ________ was the one occupation considered to be "men's work" in all the societies examined by George Murdock. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. a. Solved Which of the following statements about gender is - Chegg Q08. As she investigates further, she learns that legally __________. When you are writing, you need to follow general principles to ensure that your language is free of bias. a. feminine; women c. asked to emigrate abroad Sex Roles, 23(1112), 629643. Generic pronouns and sexist language: The oxymoronic character of masculine generics. c. A fear of rape among U.S. women is well founded. C) blood feud Their goal is to be accurate and specific with reference to gender. C) 15; 40 Show your work clearly. When the biblical text is clearly gender specific, translate it with English that is clearly gender specific. Comment: Avoid gendered occupational titles; instead, use a gender-neutral term to avoid implying that all people in that role are of a particular gender. The unequal access of males and females to property, power, and prestige is referred to as __________. Preferred: \text{Aug 26 } & \text{ Purchase } & \text{13 units @ 180 = 2,340}\\ Donec aliquet. Which of the following statements about gender differences in nonverbal Likewise, to reduce the possibility of stereotypic bias and avoid ambiguity, use specific nouns to identify people or groups of people (e.g., women, men, transgender men, trans men, transgender women, trans women, cisgender women, cisgender men, gender-fluid people). Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic? gender-schema d. Rape has been virtually eliminated. In her classic study of gender roles in three New Guinea tribes, Margaret Mead found: a. they all had essentially the same gender roles as those in the United States, b. the gender roles in all three were exactly reversed from those in the United States, c. gender roles varied significantly from one tribe to the other, d. the gender roles varied slightly, but none were essentially different from those in the, Julia has a career as a teacher and is also responsible for cleaning, buying groceries, and cooking for her. Facial Recognition Is Accurate, if You're a White Guy For example, when reporting the genders of participants in the Method section, write something like this: Approximately 60% of participants identified as cisgender women, 35% as cisgender men, 3% as transgender women, 1% as transgender men, and 1% as nonbinary. Sex refers to biological sex assignment; use the term sex when the biological distinction of sex assignment (e.g., sex assigned at birth) is predominant. -a first-past-the-post system. All Rights Reserved. Using gender instead of sex also avoids ambiguity over whether sex means sexual behavior. In some cases, there may not be a clear distinction between biological and acculturative factors, so a discussion of both sex and gender would be appropriate. Gender Language in Translation | c. no In K. L. Eckstrand & J. Potter (Eds. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. D) computer science; agriculture, In 1890, women made up about ________ of the U.S. labor force. Gender offers an added layer of specificity when interpreting patterns or phenomena of human behavior. a. Sociology Chapter 11 Flashcards | Quizlet B) gender tracking postal worker or letter carrier a. condemned to go without speaking for a year Donec aliquet. A) gender discrimination in education They refer to "men" using male language, "women" using female language, and use inclusive terms when referring to both men and women. Chapter 8 Sex and Gender Flashcards | Quizlet flight attendant Which statement about the concept of gender is accurate? American Psychologist, 67(1), 1042. B) women's natural strength in reading and language The behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females are known as __________. 2012 which statement about gender is accurate? - Clients are usually the best judges of the value of the counseling they receive. The terms birth sex, natal sex, tranny, and transvestite are considered disparaging by scholars in TGNC psychological research; by many individuals identifying as transgender, gender-nonconforming, or nonbinary; and by people exhibiting gender diversity. However, the combinations he or she or she or he (but not the combinations with slashes or parentheses) can be used sparingly if all people being referred to by the pronouns use these terms. Which statement is least accurate regarding sex and gender? C) salesmanship Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Gender generates intergenerational structural mobility between the sexes. a. the West exclusively Many people describe gender identity as a deeply felt, inherent sense of being a boy, a man, or male; a girl, a woman, or female; or a nonbinary gender (e.g., genderqueer, gender-nonconforming, gender-neutral, agender, gender-fluid) that may or may not correspond to a person's sex . b. b. unnecessary hysterectomies b. helvetia 20 franc gold coin 1947 value; which statement about gender is accurate? Chapter 10 - Gender and Sexuality Flashcards research scientists often neglect their wives and children, Preferred: How common is intersex?, Moulton, J., Robinson, G. M., & Elias, C. (1978). c. A fear of rape among U.S. women is well founded. [needs update] The American Heritage Dictionary (5th edition) states that . a. Which statement about party identification and gender in the United b. Rape does not occur on college campuses. (2015). Transgender is used as an adjective to refer to persons whose gender identity, expression, and/or role does not conform to what is culturally associated with their sex assigned at birth. __________ appear(s) to contribute to gender roles and gender differences. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Today, they represent almost ________. Men have a lower proportion of muscle overall than women. & Current Year & Previous Year \\ C) gender tracking LaToya Thompson has a credit card with an APR of 15%15 \%15%, calculated using a monthly periodic rate on the previous balance. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. b. higher; women soon D) disciplining children. d. It is banned by all hospitals. pronouns. It is a master status cutting across all aspects of life. Pronouns associated with a specific gender have been found to induce readers to think of individuals of that gender even when the pronoun use is intended to be generic (Gastil, 1990; Moulton et al., 1978). d. Suffragism, Sarah was involved in the first wave of feminism. which statement about gender is accurate? d. women; men, Female voters __________ male voters. -a proportional representation system. People who feel that they are trapped in the body of the other gender are referred to as. c. the third wave of D) Feminism has upset the natural order of the division of labor in modern society. Which of the following statements about gender and touching is most accurate? Gender Differences are based on social factors. Review and synthesis. Girls exposed to androgen before birth preferred "male" toys to "female" toys. Labcorp is a leading healthcare company that provides a range of diagnostic and medical laboratory services to patients, healthcare providers, and biopharmaceutical companies. C) The perpetrator invested time and money developing a relationship with the victim. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. stewardess How many categories of gender does Facebook offer? Our innovative platform is changing the industry and we are looking for talented individuals to join our team. Some transgender people hold a binary gender, such as man or woman, but others have a gender outside of this binary, such as gender-fluid or nonbinary. (a) Construct a 90 percent confidence interval for the mean number of raisins per cup. C) Most gender differences are relatively large. Women focus on attractiveness of partners more than men. D) 20; 50, Based the same levels of academic achievement, where does the greatest pay gap exist between men and women over their lifetime? Gender - American Psychological Association What is girlie feminism? a. sexual harassment See Page 1. Refer to all people, including transgender people, by the name they use to refer to themselves, which may be different from their legal name or the name on their birth certificate, keeping in mind provisions for respecting confidentiality. Gender is covered in Section 5.5 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition. 2. Sexist bias can occur when pronouns are used carelessly, as when the pronoun he is used to refer to all people, when a gendered pronoun is used exclusively to define roles by sex (e.g., the nurse . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Otherwise, to refer to all people, use terms like people or humans (see also Example 10). Gender is a social construct and a social identity. d. No one knows if any, One potentially effective step in closing the pay gap that women can take immediately is to __________. A. Which of the following is a consequence of early maturation? mailman B) Males are much more emotionally expressive than females in almost every culture studied. Which statement about gender inequality in health care is true? This role may be based near any Hanover office or . Donec aliquet. 3. Use male and female as adjectives where appropriate and relevant. Does gender have a sociological significance? Parents play differently with baby sons than with baby daughters. Men are disproportionately likely to experience unrequited love, but men and women are equally likely to the victims of stalking. c. It does not exist. Comment: Department head may be appropriate; however, the term is not synonymous with chair and chairperson at all institutions. Women and men differ in their partner preferences more than they are similar. American Psychologist, 33(11), 10321036. Facial recognition technology is improving by leaps and bounds. Accountant needed for early stage startup For example, in the study of sexual orientation, researchers continue to examine the extent to which sexuality or sexual orientationattraction to sex, gender, or some combination of bothis a biological and/or acculturative phenomenon. A statement only partly accurate that is intended to mislead Use the terms identified pronouns, self-identified pronouns, or pronouns instead. \end{array} A) They picketed the White House. c. feminine; men . physically; relational Boys' aggression may be more obvious because of its physical nature. which statement about gender is accurate? - Which of the following statements about managing diversity in the a. virtually no one Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Intro to Global Politics - Quiz Study Guides. b. women in the developing world never work in construction b. Depression is more common in adolescent girls than in boys. c. biology itself is what requires men and women to be assigned different work
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