Coy was banging 2 woman in the last year if not more where was his brain??? The fig tree was a representation of the leadership in Jerusalem and what did Jesus say to it when it had no fruit? WHY WHY WHY? There is little doubt that the makers intended for us to be concerned. Share the power. I still love pastor Bob. . Yes, all the more evidence that men are still sinners after they are savedthere is no transformationmen still sin in the same or different areas as before they were saved. Restoration is made as one is able whether its money or whatever. oh yes garbage. Guess how many mainstream Christian media outlets have run this story. Get over yourself. 1 Peter 4:8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. [3] [4] [5] His media ministry, which includes radio, television, and digital media was subsequently terminated. Things like not drinking beer or lusting after women. According to numerous sources and documents we have obtained, Coy has already been dismissed by his board. Coy Randall Gibbs (December 9, 1972 - November 6, 2022) was an American NASCAR driver, assistant coach for the Washington Redskins, and co-owner of Joe Gibbs Racing. When Smith burnt people down like this they never came back. @616 The covenant with the many is for seven years. That would include the pornography stars. Im sorry for you and your pain. well I should hope they would. Antonio- its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. The founder's son-in-law, Brian Brodersen, left the network of Calvary churches and started his own organization with many of the chapels, including Coy's old church in Fort Lauderdale. How sad. I would say Coys doctrine was a 9. Irenaeus taught dispensationalism in the 2nd century. God sees everything. He has bought out 7 churches in a small area and there is another church following in his footsteps also doing the same. Notice how all Christians are all supposed to get along with one another, kumbayah, and yet when a (secondary?), Diamond Donny wrote: He said Satan was looking to destroy people .he sure did not take his advice. I dont think Ive ever seen this happen quite so quickly. Its up to God whether or not Bob Coy is restored to leadership of any kind and that is not on any one mans timetable or ratio. Physically and mentally- and this blog helped me tremendously because there were others here who shared the same story. "My heart is breaking for my Church, my Pastor and his family," wrote Marie L. Harris in a Facebookcomment. There is so much female perfection on the internet. Many members expressed disappointment, encouragement, and hope on the church's Facebook page. Will they be allowed? How is this furthering the kingdom? 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth. Bob Coy Fired by Boca Raton Nightclub Funky Biscuit After Sexual Abuse People out there in churches seem to lean in the direction of caring very much about moral issues, but they ignore doctrine. AND HAVE YOU EVER VIEWED PORNOGRAPHY, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME, AND WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR YOUR EXCOMMUNICATION? Get your own. But they do have these pills now. Coral Ridge is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). BD, how can you say youre not a Calvinist and yet stand idly by while they pervert the scriptures and negate the truth and promises of God, sounds like youve been brainwashed by 600 years of lies! She also loves Bode dearly and does everything in her power to help him. I know a lot of Jews who have self hatred! March 4, 2023. The story has hit the local news in Fort Lauderdale now,0,5071679.story. Normally Chuck would have not wasted this asset unless what Coy did was to outrageous to cover up. In the huge sanctuary, a ten-piece band including four guitarists, a drummer surrounded by glass sound walls, and two keyboardists rocked out in front of a laser display that wouldn't be out of place on a Justin Bieber tour. Especially when you twist the truth and cannot backup your allegations. You are listening to Luther and Augustine. Refuse to let that man and his family go. Opinion: I've been on the field for two football tragedies. I hope Sad. Much different than accepting people in without repentance IMO. may God give wisdom, grace, and comfort to all those affected. fscaduto, Who are you to establish the guidelines of internet journalism? This megachurch has about 16,830 weekly visitors. no venom) ..I know too well the disappointment of which you speak. They were about 630 employees last count. Jesus is speaking in narrative form everything he has spoken up to this point is straight narrative, and no symbolism and no figurative speech; 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the[c] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Maybe God never intended for Bob to have the mega church, Bob has said many times publically he would rather has a small congregation of true believers than thousands of people playing church. And they are legion. We all have our personal emotional responses, but scripture should always be our guide and it certainly is not silent in how to deal with such situations. This is the first resurrection. I got tired of responding to the nonsense. God bless you all. Coddington hosted the Discovery Channel show American Hot Rod. If there wasnt grace then all would be toast. repentance REPENTANCE, n. 1. I would say this before you do anything , cry out to the Lord on your own and I mean CRY OUT!! I still recall your attitudes when Jimmy Kempner got exposed for solicitation of a woman for sexa woman who turned out to be undercover officer for the Tustin Police. Man is capable of all sorts of evil even saved 2. Without right doctrine, it doesnt matter how well they were behaving. May we be in prayer for him, lest we be found with that same measurement being measured back unto us. Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. Lorenzo, Ive read all your posts and you are so full of hate and . Sad, very sad because this affects many congregations, not just FTL. Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! Talk about distractions in worship! The inner circle or big givers got to have dinner with DC and BC. Paul dealt with this. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A statement on the church's website reported the news: "On April 3, 2014, Bob Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, effective immediately, after confessing to a moral failing in his life which disqualifies him from continuing his leadership role at the church he has led since its founding in 1985." Im learning all about a day in the life of MLD. One of the many reasons I left. I hope Joe Focht can get her story and reconsider the Moses Model and other vision casters in his region. Coy was a conmanthis was going on for a long time and he was basically giving Jesus the finger?? He is not who he himself thinks he is. You bring him up every time you post, because you are his disciple. The church only loses if they go to the punishment and exposure message without hope of recovering a brother. Reforming catholicism doesnt work. They have been given that power, as was Coy. When my Bible says that blindness has happened to Israel in part until the fullness of the Gentiles come in then anything else is garbage. if youre wondering if Sharon is dead. I disagree with him on many points, but I will not slander him. Pastor Chuck Smith in 2006; the Calvary Chapel phenomenon, which now includes more than 1,000 churches nationwide and hundreds more overseas, began with the 25-member church Smith founded on a Costa Mesa lot in 1965. Instead, Coy drifted to his hometown's specialty: rock music. The article noted that in total at least eight pastors, staffers, and volunteers in Calvary Chapel's network in the U.S. have been charged with abusing children since 2010. If his marriage survives and I hope it does Bob will have to spend the rest of his days on his knees begging their forgiveness and thanking God for giving especially her too him. Is all sin equal to God? The department assigned the case to Det. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. The most serious claim against Calvary's national church came in 2011, when four men in Idaho filed a federal suit alleging a youth minister named Anthony Iglesias had molested them between 2000 and 2003. -, - ; , . My children very young at the time and all of this confused them. #805 yeah considering that all of MIchaels info is inaccurate. He claims that he was present at the Martin Luther King assassination crime scenes. Put your trust in the One who will not fail you. So Hugh, I think you and others twist scriptures right out of Jesus mouth to make a Hal Lindsey / Chuck Missler / Tim LaHaye point. The victim wife of another scandal set up camp at a near by church SO if anyone can recommend a smaller church, please let me know. And that is gonna take a while to undo. Columnist Gray Baskerville called CadZZilla "the most incredible transformation he'd ever witnessed",[5] and in their "History of Hot Rods & Customs" the auto editors of Consumer Guide praised it as "the first really new type of custom since the heyday of the 1950s".[4]. Powered by - Designed with theHueman theme,,0,5071679.story,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Larry Erickson, later the chief designer of the Mustang and Thunderbird for Ford Motor Co., worked with Coddington early on, and specifically credits the CadZZilla collaboration for jump-starting his career. He convicts us of sin and draws us to the Savior. The only point is the one they refuse to acknowledge. "When Chuck Smith died, there was nothing left to hold back all the competing factions," church critic Michael Newnham says. "I can't discuss it on the record," the former pastor, who managed a casino with exotic dancers in Las Vegas before committing his life to Christ, said when approached in October. And much of that strength came from the wondrous friends and counselors he put in my path such as Michael, your support and the support of so many on PP. You may respond to the Gospel and be saved, sure. Pastor Bob has said time & time again that you dont go to church for him you go to church for a connection to god. Two of my three children still struggle with doubt in their faith and I can not believe our experience didnt have something to do with it. Note that MLDs hateful 695 doesnt even consider my 694, about unnecessary strong verbiage. maybe you could pray for everyone and call it a day. thou shalt not have moral failure with thy church women who arent thy wife, thus sayeth The Lord! Life now consists of unfair scorn for Diane and the kids. Diane Schuler Case | Wrong Way Crash Kills 8 Jay is 4 Justice Podcast 87.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 243 Share 8.7K views 1 year ago #dianeschuler. Actually CCFL did issue a media/press release so in that sense they are using the media to get the word out about the situation. I cant believe some of the comments Ive read here and on CCAbuse. Unfortunately, Bob Coy like thousands of ministers and leaders throughout the ages before him, thought that the means and process and seeming results justified the end. I have no idea if they were paid for , or what the arrangement was. Leadership made every effort to let the staff and church hear directly from leadership rather than rumor by calling meetings for Sunday, our source, who asked not to be identified, told us. I am not an evangelical or a fundamentalist. And this must continue for no less than the time it takes to convince (with actions/not words) the Body that the work they see in Bob is Gods and not Bobs. That doesnt happen unless you do something really bad, not just adultery. He may have a scandal brewing with one of his kids, so my little heart cant take this right now. We are sinners. Flynn, You are a false teacher you said that your Bible said that the SEVEN YEAR tribulation will be. I could see being gracious to a guy who practiced and modeled it and was truly privatebut the fact is Coy was a big time celebrity (and probably will be again) and he had a broad congregation and broad viewershipand its probably right to let everyone know what happenedwhich as usual the blogs are standing in the accountability gap. "We need to stop him. God will not be mocked. I would imagine if Chuck Smith were around he would probably have Coy restored in about 3 months. Social Media Links-Reddit Facebook. Ill be praying for him, Diane and his kids as well as for the impact this will have on CC of Ftl. Can you please point me to the confession of these women? Mega-churches always have such a high profile for scandal. Dread/Alan, thank you for the way you express things. Neither Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, the movement's flagship, nor the Calvary Chapel Association returned messages from New Times seeking comment for this story. He ran gay-conversion groups and preached that all nonbelievers would go to Hell. they were generous givers. Krent W. I apologize for my flippant remark to your initial comment at 338. The following day, the victim told the police that she was not ready to proceed with a criminal investigation unless a second person came forward. No one seems to care about that. I ran my story Saturday afternoon. We are all human and all the same essentiallythough fundamentalist Islam seems to be the worst religious ideology of all-time and the most dangerous and destructive. Andy, the whole passage is figurative or symbolic. His name was Bob Coy, and until the previous year, he'd been the most famous Evangelical pastor in Florida. The word of God tells us, For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of Gods glorious standard.(Romans 3:23 NLT). but dont confuse the two ! Hopefully Bob Coy will be teaching this Sunday. I think child molesters and child abusers are much worse, but then again Im neither of those two so I am probably a bit biased. I have no thoughts about his church pastors in that arena are a dime a dozen they can find some other untrained funny man to take his place.. God forgives immediately upon repentence, so are we going to condemn Bob? Maybe thats a byproduct of not letting women hold leadership positions. It is plain as day but these are the same folks who bring us blood moons, 1,000 yr earthly Jesus reigns raptures etc.. , Macarthur being grossly misrepresented? When the Pastor goes to a local college and tacks posters all over on his upcoming Bible study Did Jesus really have s+x? I think that was supposed to ease the transition for the new Pastor. Too many people look at their pastor or sr. pastor, vs.the congregation being pointed to the Lord. I was exposed to pornography at a very early age. When my Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, then anything else is garbage! Phoenix Preacher 2023. He didnt repent of his wrongdoings when he hurt children or their parents. It doesnt say or infer anything you are saying. Then all were invited up to search their hearts. Most commentators will agree that seven times is seven complete revolutions of time, being a unit of a year for each time. No thanks. Otherwise, at least he doesnt get rich off of Jesus and doesnt bilk people of their money and tows the moral line he lays down. What is interesting to me is how little difference of opinion there is. What kind of God would we serve if he chose some at random to go to hell and some to go to heaven. You are embarrassing. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. Ive seen many come and go and have seen a lot of stuff I didnt like here. And I have a sincere question about him. Recognizing we serve a God of second chances and that our hope is in Him, the statement concludes, the leadership, staff and members of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale have joined together in prayer for Pastor Bob and his family during this time of healing.. Get over yourself. Because of this, I am no longer listening to Reach FM. We need to pray hard for this man and his family because the enemy is fighting intensely to bring the faithful down. Jerry Falwell called Bakker a liar, an embezzler, a sexual deviant, and the greatest scab and cancer on the face of Christianity in 2,000 years of church history, In 1988, Falwell said that the Bakker scandal had strengthened broadcast evangelism and made Christianity stronger, more mature and more committed.. He had other associate pastors go publicly in front of the congregation after their infidelity. It also took us all years to get over it mentally and spiritually. My only advice for you regarding any place that is demanding blind loyalty/obedience is this: run and find a place where you trust the pastor and yet also feel that you have the freedom for healthy disagreement. Coy sales millions and that has all changed. I will remind all in this blog that Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart. There are multiple known affairs. I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. Too much too soon. I did. TV ACUTE is a full entertainment site where you find tv series related press releases , promotional photos tv news and movie updates. one more bad guy to add to the never ending. Especially two in particular in my personal circles. donny, I asked politely. Both guilty, but with massively different responsibilities before God. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Im praying for your kids tonight. It's unclear how seriously they took the claim of the teenager whom New Times is not naming in accordance with our policy on reporting on victims of sexual abuse who said Coy had forced her to have sex even when she was only 4 years old. If he was a preacher of grace and not telling me what to do on the radio this might not be so hypocritical. Youve turned the sad reality of sin into flaming arrows of hate and spite towards eachother instead of being Christ-like and loving the sinner (everyone). "I was living a life of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, literally," Coy told Stetzer. I wonder how many were out there defending Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker when they fell into sexual sin? I have trust issues and the thickest walls imaginable. Join the accusers my friend, but just know that you will end up where they also will end up, and thus in the name of Jesus I rebuke you!!! Daughter, I understand the struggle of looking for Bible based local church. But that doesnt mean you are any less capable of doing the same bad things you did before you were officially savedand the mindset is that, Well hed never do that, hes been transformed by the power of Jesus!well, no, that isnt true. If he had been going around dipping his quill in several other inkwells and coming back to sis for access you get the picture, I would personally go over to him and beat him up and help toss his butt out of the house. Ive listened to Tullian on Moody and he tries to imitate Paul Washer too much for my taste. I dont have to answer this question, since, I believe in contending for every point of doctrine, even the secondary issues. I say years because it is easy to fake a Come to Jesus moment for a year maybe two. Scumbag needs a good beating for destroying the lives of so many. November 14, 2017 However, keep in mind that Coy would sue me into oblivion if I was wrong. My apologies to all people who are 300 pounds or over it wasnt my intention to insult you or hurt your feelings and my apologies to MLD in reading your post, they seemed very callous and cruel without regard for the scripture that says that we need to consider ourselves lest we also be tempted, so this caricature came to my mind but again my apologies and I want to ask the moderator to take down my previous post since Im unable to do that, Thank you. You give yourself a severe disadvantage by doing so, whenever you are discussing doctrine with someone. I have no issue with him looking at porn. Just ask Michael Newham, hell avoid the question as he points his stubby little fingers everywhere else but at himself, or Alex G, he at at least might be more honest and tell he you hes viewed porn and probably worse. I told Michael he could post a thread to what I shared at Grants Pass almost 8 years ago. "If you're broken, Jesus will be gentle with you in your anger and disillusionment," Sauder said. If true that absolutely stuns me. A look ahead at Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 15. <3. Sordid details. Good idea, Michael can we get you to confess like Coy? The topic of Bob Coy has brought many here who are shell shocked by what they read as opinions are strong. Bad part is that I had to sit quiet because there is no evidence. He was a star everywhere he went..a total fool and idiot in my book. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. Lets pray for him , his wife and his children until they are healed and restored and he is forgiven by The Lord , if not already ! I fight another battle and if you click on my erunner name it will take you to the blog Ive run for six years because of the help of Michael who runs this blog. well then go ahead by all means please cast the first stone. At least some very close higerups did not because they are the ones who told Newnham knowing he would report it. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible? Is his family with him? to attract a crowd, something is wrong. The enemy is now going to go to work and use this to do precisely what I see going on in this blog. This man was struggling with sin. Yet Andy made about 30 comments after saying it wasnt worth talking to me. They pop up on our husbands e-mail, Facebook, etc. God said enough was enough and bang asshole your doneyou scammed enough of my people. Pastor Bob Coy scandal: Resigns from Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale
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