Melissa asked Ochako. But after suppressing his feelings so long, it was difficult to work up the nerve. ! He screwed the nipple back onto the bottle and shook it with all his might, effectively mixing the powdered formula into the warm water. Ochako threw her hands in the air. Im sorry! izuku. He and Ochako quickly dropped what they were doing to pick her up, and helped her move into her dorm. Izuku "Deku" Midoriya discovers a new power within One For All. I- there aren't many people who do that. But it's such a stupid thing to be upset over! Izuku asked as he shifted around to prevent his arm from going numb. He wanted it so badly it ached. 2458 guests An overworked nurse added the strongest available painkiller to the IV of the poor green-haired boy with two broken arms. Thankfully the rest of the semester was calm, and Izuku was able to settle into a pattern of school, exercise, homework, and writing in the evening. When he decayed a wall onto Mr. Compress and Twice, he turned the tide of battle in favor of the heroes. This has consequences. "Hey Deku," Melissa sighed. He had a cat quirk since he was 5, and growing animal traits and losing human ears is painful. The second was Ochako while Izuku harbored strong feelings toward both of the girls, if Melissa's stories were to be believed she also harbored feelings toward him as well as their brown-haired friend. While Izuku had known there were plenty of original works out there - many written by teenagers who hoped to become future heroes, writing out their hypothetical exploits - he never had the confidence to try writing one himself. Some of his oldest followers got upset, accusing him of jumping on the recent popularity of class 1-A, and he even lost several of his readers, which made him nervous that maybe this wasn't the best idea. "You were fine before I went to grab Ochako!". He couldnt move his arms. It didn't take long for the story to become his most popular work, and even gained some recognition amongst original hero fiction authors. Death Need Not Apply contains examples of the following tropes: Abusive Parents: Endeavor like canon. Melissa hopped off the bed and spun around to face her partners. "Nobody was supposed to find out! So of course, he immediately promised to help Young Might, as he had taken to calling the time traveler, find a way home. Really, it was the next logical step for Izuku, at the end of the day, once his notebooks were taken care of, and with no real friends to contact to alleviate his boredom. "Let's do it!". She decided that she needed to make sure that her Tsu-kun would feel safe and loved again. And your writing it's great, it's given me hours of entertainment! How did you figure that out?!" As he scrolled through his new troll twitter account, his heart rate kept accelerating. Hes far too honorable., Katsuki snorted. "And if you knew who I was, why didn't you ever tell me! Even with everything going on, Izuku had a backlog of chapters to carry him through the month-long break, and his weekly update gave him joy and satisfaction as he read his reader's comments. And Katsuki knows he's in major trouble from the start. And even though Dabi was not Touya, this body did not forget, this body did not understand the difference. "Yeah, I guess it did." May contain sensitive content. 777K 46.4K 81. Or lack there of, rather. He quickly closed his browser and purged his cache. If we can just pull it off, Ill be satisfied for the rest of my unlife., As Izuku posted his latest tweet, Yoichi cackled maniacally. But Dabi was not weak like Touya and that meant, he was allowed to be angry now. I still have a massive crush on you. After their fight with the Hero Killer, he knew Tenya'd been pretty down, and could use the morale boost, and these comments would be perfect. After the incident on I-Island, Melissa felt lonelier than ever. All for One has a new twitter account! Shouto pointed with a shaking finger. AH! As easy to accept as being told "the sky is blue" or "grass is green". In a world where everyone has this unique power called a Quirk there is one Problem Child with an powerful Quirk but also a famil. Izuku protested. His face turned bright red. ", "Sounds like it's time for a break," Mina said as she saved their current work. Work Search: "So, um, it was about the conversation we had earlier" Izuku started, rubbing the back of his head nervously. Bakugous face nearly turned blood red from the boiling anger as he pushed each and everyone one of the students into the kitchen and dining area, ILL SHOW YOU! But what if he meets some people who could be so much more than just Villains? He doesnt have as much talent in his whole body as his great-great-grandfather had in his pinky. Izuku was especially proud of that last insult because it sounded like something an immortal supervillain would say. Did you not think it was funny? Izuku wondered if he was about to get in trouble for what hed done. Dr. Garakis heart rate accelerated as All for One entered his laboratory. A tingling covered his body. "Couldn't you have your confession in an empty room or something?" PCA looked to PCB with a scowl. Izuku now has an optic blast quirk similar to a mutant hero named Cyclops. I thought it was funny. "I, um, kind of figured it out when we were talking earlier," Izuku rubbed the back of his head. Melissa Shield, one of his best friends just revealed that she was the mysterious fanfic writer SupportGrrl47. I Don't Run An Orphanage (Fanfic) - TV Tropes 1. ? feels like wildfire with you. DecayHands says, It really is Sensei! Katsuki furrowed his brow a bit, Is he trying to play with me? he thought and pretended to watch TV again and, of course, Izuku gave out a loud whine to grab his attention and giggled when Katsuki looked at him again, reaching his chubby arms out to him. What kind of lame ass clowns attack a school full of children and get their asses kicked? The only other person who would understand those old secrets and memes. All Might stared at his computer screen with horror. He wishes nobody else has to go through that. Izuku asked what does she wants. : This Hero was proposed and approved by Heroes Wiki's Pure Good Proposals Thread. Taking a deep breath, Izuku tried to gather his thoughts. That changed on the fateful day he encountered the sludge villain and ran into All Might. "She's our friend, right?" And I" He deflated. The moment I found out she's one of the most dangerous villains in Japan by the name of "Zero", I threw everything away. Melissa's hand shot out to poke his cheek. Their summer camp was attacked, leading to many students landing in the hospital and Bakugo's kidnapping. Read Blood for All from the story Blood Ties (My hero academia female Izuku fanfic) by MigyTheWorld with 3,995 reads. Thats too bad. No, wait. DecayHands says, Sensei, I understand that youre disappointed in us, but please dont air the dirty laundry publicly. You have received a reply to your tweet. 119 Stories. Id call him comic relief except hes not funny., Tweet sent. All for One: What are you talking about? It escalated in the first year of high school. "I wonder if he'll finally figure out his feelings for Uravity in this chapter? He responded softly. You are not logged into twitter. It didn't change a thing. Izuku Midoriya had taken his first step into the world of fanfiction. ", Ochako laughed and looked fondly at the girl. And both of you write amazing fanfiction and I'm just a simple girl with too much time on her hands. "I've already had to deal with one idiot today, I'm not dealing with another. "Are you sure you don't want to read the story and rant to SmallMightFan first? Kaminari Will Never Have Children, Period. Kioku learns about "One For All" when she, All Might receive a call from his phone that sounds urgent. "You're going to say that after that speech? Ochako grabbed Izuku's arm and pulled him in for a kiss. Tomura ignored all of it, because he knew the truth. Astral Hero : Specter Chapter 2, a my hero academia/ fanfic "My cover was perfect! Now that things have finally seemed to calm down for their class, they decided it was time to publish their own story! It wasn't because of his attitude - he had worked very hard to correct his problematic behaviors. "You don't have proof of that! Work Search: Dont worry, Bakubro, I wont tell anyone. GO EAT YOU SHITTY BREAKFAST, BASTARDS! he ordered. Because hes awesome didnt seem like a very plausible explanation. Perhaps it was a ribald joke she would make (though never at someones expense). That might confuse his readers who haven't been following his class in the news - better to add one at a time, and slowly expand his cast. From Izuku's angle, he couldn't see Melissa's cheeks heating up in embarrassment. I'd love to see your take on what kind of heroes they'd be! You dont know what hes like when he snaps. She would have begun to float away except she felt Melissa reach out and grab her arm. Sneak up behind me while were at work, take me into your adorable potato arms, and kiss me like were both still twenty., I see what youre doing. Banjo hummed. Myheroacademia Stories - Wattpad tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Izuku was on a high (quite literally). Each failed friendship dejected Katsuki further, until he decided he was through with trying to make solid friends in college. She turned toward Ochako. 671 guests dadzawa. 5. Izuku felt his cheeks blushing bright red every time he saw those comments, trying not to think about his classmate that way - after all, there was no way someone as amazing as her would be interested in someone like him! Ochako exclaimed, interrupting her friend. So as his guardian angel, I gotta askwhy was your son praying so hard for somebody to help him?, (wherein Todoroki Shouto has Hawks as a guardian angel, Tokoyami as a best friend, and Bakugou as something else entirely.). Everyone else in here is willing to watch him except you, so you must be scared. Sero mused out in a knowing tone. Time for some trolling back. the title literally. Izuku asked. His tail was wagging all over the place, much to the amusement . "Want to make something for dinner? Bakugou Katsuki is starting his third year of college, alone and without a single solid friend. Note to self: Never piss the First off. The past eight years were spent with his mother in dodgy hotel rooms deciding where theyd go next, which names they would use, which lies they would tell to stay alive. After all, who would suspect that the author of Deku's fictional career was the actual hero Deku? It served to motivate him and, despite his crushing workload between school and his training, he made sure to spend a few minutes each day working on the story, trying his hardest to maintain a regular release schedule. ", "Sure! And, woopdy doo, his mother's on a business trip and won't be back for a while. "I've known for a while," Ochako admitted, her face growing red. "I didn't think it was possible for anyone to feel that way about me. Doesn't the author know Deku's dating Uravity in real life now?". Yet Kirishima Eijirou, with his saccharine smile, honey-coated laughter, and vibrant exterior managed to break through it all five minutes before the start of Katsuki's first class of the quarter. Old twenty-first century memes. And so on. "Right, howdoyou feel about us Deku?" Next battle, I want you to wear Izukus brain short-circuited as he tried to think of the ugliest possible villain costume on the fly. It took several minutes, but Izuku began weaving a tale about how he found a thread on a hero forum full of encouraging comments. This is an interactive story containing 254 chapters. Well, it's not really that bad if I simply embellish the fight I saw yesterday, right? He squeezes Shouto once. Nervously biting his lip, he opened up a word document and began typing. My Hero Encanto (My Hero Academia . The pair were so deep in concentration that Toru practically jumped when her phone went off, announcing a new e-mail. Between Kacchan's insistence on how he'll never become a hero and his lack of quirk, he just couldn't visualize that type of story. ", Melissa seemed to visibly relax at that. As he played with Izuku, the blonde failed to notice that Kirishima had stuck his head out the dining room doorway and was now leaning against it. Tsuna has always been a timid child, and it got worse when children of his age started bullying him. Fortunately for him, she wasn't. 4. ? This is where operation Nomu Harem will come into play. Here. She handed the electric teen a medium-sized towel, Put that over your shoulder. Hed been cleared for release from the hospital, the same as everyone else. Recovery Girl had come by to heal him while hed been asleep, how nice. It was the first time he was going to write about himself, and he found himself more excited to write it than he had for any of his previous works. Command not recognized, his phone replied. There are many shades of grey between the two and sometimes you have to find where you are comfortable working in that grey.". HUH?! Link to AO3 version. Reply to DecayHands: Your fashion sense is a disgrace. I swear, well be lucky if he doesnt burn this whole building down if hes on oxycodone., Shouto muttered, I need to update my conspiracy theorist blog., Cool down. Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I-I liked knowing you felt that way, but Deku". Izuku "Deku" Midoriya discovers a new power within One For All. Perhaps it was the way she would wink when she thanked a student for answering a question. The de-aged classmate gave a fussy whine at the comment, expressing that he was hungry. Maybe he should go seek employment at U.A., 2/5. Tender Ch. 1 - A My Hero Academia Fanfiction Reading (Izuku x Ochako Hopefully, Tomura would have a chance to ask Sensei to stop telling those stories about his childhood online. There is a new family moving in the neighborhood, and from what he heard they have the same set up as him and his mother. Do you want to grab Uraraka and meet me downstairs?". Unfortunately, there were two problems with that. The food was already spread out at the park, but All for One hadnt yet arrived. Now he has 19 pseudo-kids, two adoptive kids, and another one that appears to have been dropped in front of him. All Might: I fell for that once, Im not falling for it again. Only for Izuku to insert a time skip, having the hero be reborn as the hero 'Deku,' modeled dangerously close to himself. "Wah?" He bounced back and forth with nervous energy. The morning after he had posted a new chapter, he frequently saw his inbox had blown up as the two came to blows over details in the story, frequently pulling in other commenters along the way. And the story is really good! You're so kind, so thoughtful. Prison wouldnt stop his father for long, and his lackeys were undoubtedly searching for any clue they could find. UNCLE! As the summer break came to a close, Izuku was in for another surprise - this time a good one. Blood Ties (My hero academia female Izuku fanfic) TheAwesomePrince. "Hey, I didn't . You couldn't have been more obvious if you tried.". Ive got to go do some work back at the school. Sakura Haruno died because she was supposed to die. Tomura did not know what to make of his senseis instructions to summon the League of Villains to a picnic in an industrial park. Ochako offered Izuku a bright smile. It can be read on Archive of Our Own here. Ochako confirmed Melissa's accusation by covering her face. femizuku, action, mha. But it didntoh! Banjo said with enlightenment. He stared at the white ceiling of the hospital, aka his home away from home. Ok, now make sure that you hold him to where his chin rests on your shoulder. Kiminari did as he was told and Recovery Girl nodded, Good, now gently pat him on the back until you hear him burp. "We were all being kind of dummies until Izuku figured out who you were. This information gave Izuku hope that maybe the two of them can be friends. That? I thought about giving more scathing critiques, but Im concerned that he might learn something from them., Nana appeared. Izuku Midoriya: The Breeding Nomu Chapter 3, a my hero academia/ So, with the help of All Might, she was able to secure a spot in UA's support department, finishing her final year of university in Japan. Izuku felt his face heating up. Im going to arrange for this account to be verified. The answer came from his notebook, currently open to a page showing off Slugger facing off against a villain that could spit globules of immobilizing slime from earlier this week. Really?" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Seriously, it's going to take longer for us to get together in your story than it did in real life!". Whats wrong? Tenya asked, looking over his shoulder. In fact, he was determined not to interact outside of class-matters with others at all. I hope you like some interruptions cause. "You two I wouldn't be where I would be if it wasn't for you. This was the first glance of an older brother who cared, this was the first glance at someone who could be a hero if they were only just given the chance to try. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, First One For All User (My Hero Academia), AFO suffers almost as much as he deserves, One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts (My Hero Academia), Sensei | All for One is Mistaken for Hisashi Midoriya, Corrupt Hero Public Safety Commission (My Hero Academia), Izuku Midoriya is So Done: A Series of Oneshots, good ol' fashioned fluff (and some crack and whump) for the BNHA soul. Can we see what his other friends are like? Instead, with every single person that had come into his life, the communication eventually stalled and never restarted. "You've both read my stories. ", "No!" Izuku needs to be burped for at least 15 minutes to help with indigestion, ok? she instructed and everyone nodded in confirmation. Credit for this story idea goes to my dear sister, my first reader. ", "II feel the same way," Izuku added. Sh-shut up! Deku splutters, and Katsuki laughs at him. But that wouldn't be a full-time thing, right? "It worked out in the end though right?" Ochako meanwhile, was growing bright red as she looked at Melissa. IM NOT SCARED OF THAT FUCKING DEKU! he screamed and Kirishima shrugged. ", "Yeah! Bakugou took the bait, turning to glower at the red-head. myheroacademia. Yes, perfect. She praised happily and turned to look at Kiminari, Kiminari-san, youre going to be the first to burp Midoriya-chan. After Izuku Midoriya was made to abandon his dream of becoming a hero, he coincidentally saves a little girl from villains by hiding her, and she starts living with him and his mother afterward. After Kaachan started to bully him, he's been lonely playing by himself. How could I not? Recovery Girl sat beside the duo-haired teen with a patient smile upon her lips. Izuku, of course, doesnt believe it whether its true or not. Izukuxharem Stories - Wattpad But he didn't know how Ochako felt about any of this. Warped by PixelatedConquest. ShiningStars -Trs Bien! "Why would you even think that! Izuku put his thumb to his chin as he thought about it. But I'm a coward. But no good memes for my brother. I proceeded to complain to my parents, but they just laughed at my suffering. His thoughts soared at hyperactive speed. Two lonely souls will crash into each other's life. Spinner was completely fucking useless. Special shoutout goes to the amazing and talented Rainglows for doing art for this story. And I don't want to see either of you hurt by me." The first was that the only reason he knew about this was because he was SmallMightFan, and she didn't know that. High School, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Past One For All Users (My Hero Academia), Yoichi | First One For All User (My Hero Academia), Second One For All User (My Hero Academia), One For All Quirk Haunted by Past One For All Users' Ghosts (My Hero Academia), DKBK Valentine Exchange 2023 (My Hero Academia), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kendou Itsuka & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku Has the Omnitrix (Ben 10 Series), i was thirteen years old with a heart made of gold, tried to make some friends-, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi & Kurogiri & Magne & Mr. Compress & Shigaraki Tomura & Spinner & Toga Himiko & Twice, Protective League of Villains (My Hero Academia), League of Villains as Family (My Hero Academia), Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Brat, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Good Friend, League of Villains Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Vigilante League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya and Todoroki Fuyumi are Twins, realetionship that were build on unhealty things but for some reason stayed healthy, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Quirkless Discrimination (My Hero Academia), Nedzu is a Little Shit (My Hero Academia), Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, The Mortification of Midoriya Izuku (and his revenge), Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Midoriya Izuku, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight is a Little Shit, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is Midoriya Izuku's Parent, if you're going to love me, please mean it, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Midoriya izuku/Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Paranormal Liberation Front (My Hero Academia), The Baby Momma Drama - An Izuku Midoriya Kidfic Series, You know what they say about assuming! Despite that, it was 1 AM and Izuku found himself wide awake, staring at the computer screen watching footage from the sludge villain encounter. They happily agreed, and after dinner followed him up to his room, arranging themselves on the floor. I came to give you tips on how to make it look even more real., The painkillers were out of Izukus system at this point. I Don't Run An Orphanage. Had he randomly decided to pretend to be All for Ones son? Izuku barely slept that night, devouring dozens of stories about All Might fighting fictional foes and saving countless lives. 2 3 . "Thanks," Melissa said as she walked in and collapsed on his bed with a groan. But Sensei had been firm that everyone show up and that he must bring mochi. "Also no!". ", "Yeah!" Youre an angel?, Your sons guardian angel, now, Hawks says agreeably. A Youtube Channel by the name of Your Friendly Narrator, DaWlue whatifstory, has created a Text-To-Speech videos of the fanfic that you can listen here. Izuku sat and thought about it. During their chaotic first semester, Mina stumbled upon fanfiction purely by accident, but once she did, she fell in love with the idea. Melissa asked. Maybe fate a. You, a Magical Girl, Say. # 1. He understood even less why All Might had expressed constant concerns for his health throughout the day. Unconsciously looking her figure up and down. The Dr. Garaki love confession was one of my less convincing lies. 8 249. The most evil One for All user yet, and I mean that as a compliment. So there's a series I've been following -Viridian Hero: Deku." ", "For standing up for me. This ruins several of my favorite conspiracies. Izuku: Yeah, sure, and next youll tell me that Dr. Garaki is my new stepdad. Izuku needs to be burped for at least 15 minutes to help with indigestion, ok?" she instructed and everyone nodded in confirmation. "Ocha- Uravity's only now partnering with Deku full time. Izuku goes on a troll rampage in retaliation, and by the time the dust clears there are enough conspiracy theories to make Shouto Todoroki weep from joy. Controlled By My Little Sister 205 story chapters ; One of the girls 546 story chapters ; The costume party 225 story chapters ; bart simpson in diapers 1,423 story chapters ; A Rugrats Adventure 4,481 story chapters ; Fairy Tail Shrink 174 story chapters ; Baby Days 158 story chapters ; God-like Pumpkin Cake 54 story chapters ; Johnny Test In . The account is clearly fake! Especially since I had a good idea where it was going! "Wait did he say that he was going to buy diapers?" All Might thought, scratching his head in confusion. "Mina! However, once they see how the other is acting around Risa, they'd be forced to open up and admit their feelings toward each other, causing the three of them to get together! This time with more wholesome stuff. There's another kid too, the daughter of Kai Chisaki and Izuku. It looked like the family might get even bigger soon, too. His small, white-socked feet wiggled happily in Todorokis lap and his tiny hands gripped the bottle as he continued to drink his formula. Are you going to keep complaining or are you going to hand me the bottle so that I can feed Midoriya-san? he asked in monotone. Not in that way! My Hero Academia Fics To Cleanse Your Soul . She took Izuku's outstretched hand before her free hand found Melissa's, their fingers entwining around each other. Are you scared? he teased. They had titles like A History of Discrimination Against Quirks Labeled as Villainous and How to Have Difficult Conversations with Your Child. Send tweet: Im All for One! "Well, there should be. Melissa crossed her arms. Besides, who would ever link the hero Izuku was to become with the fanfiction character Jade Rabbit? Ochako asked, looking at the other two in confusion. Kiminari hummed uncertainly as he hesitantly patted Izukus back. He knew how to prove himself! What is happening to his son is not good for him at all. ", "It must be important if you're this upset about it. | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako/Yaoyorozu Momo. ", "Oh please," Melissa rolled her eyes. Ochako forced a laugh, but they could tell it was fake. "I can't believe I'm dating a pair of nerds thanks to fanfiction. Signing with a college teamespecially Shotos teammeant hed be stepping into the spotlight with a target on his back. Mhacrossover Stories - Wattpad "I bet most of the class knows it's you!". All Might ran a hand down his face. Nezu: I suspect this twitter account is false. All that's left is a shell of what once was. The Five Times Izuku Scared The Her - Wattpad "Besides, I remember your comments on that series! spieday, Zuzex28, imdeadlikedabi, NinjaReader, Mikethenobody14, IAmAnAwesomePrussian, Fuccngpretzels, BlueSalamender, JustAnotherGal, Renatareynolds, lonelyKamui, Solar10, FlowersWithCrocus_BC, NastyaSLY, ZeroBee3given, Miss_Snow, terrestrialmythos, JuLia_JuLie, Wyrm4713, Jameslune, PerfectStormcloud, Yochina_Kuroba, ForgettableFace, FHDine, CauldronSky, Fandom_Trash5599, LoweFantasy, Sagiri_Yamada_Asaemon, WolfieBones, diachronicinsight, apatea_and_biscuits, SpottedLeopards, feril_b, mae_luna, mila_thewatcher, Ayahdah, LilyTargaryen189, Shersheraz, ShadowPhoenix18, Findfate, deerang2002, eh84132, Dragon_Halfblood7722, YoonFerZi, altrashtor, Foreverabibliophile, CrystalRoselyne, HopelessAromantic7, justsmilemore, MiniMomo, and 6907 more users And feed me till i'm satisfied! Dictate: Ive been pining lately for a colleague of mine. All for One: Izuku Midoriya, Nineth Wielder of One for All, I amyour father! Reincarnated as the side villain. "Y-you two shouldn't worry about me!" "And Melissa, you're a support genius! "W-what about that?!" He hadn't really thought about his personal life after he graduated, only about becoming All Might's successor. Theres loads of great humiliation material., Nana began, When my protg Tomura was a cute little four year old, he wanted to marry the family dog Mon-chan when he grew up. Bakugou fought, and failed, to keep his lips from turning into a smile as he continued to play his little game with his de-aged, childhood friend. After his encounter with All Might and being told that he cannot be a hero without Quirk, Izuku Midoriya did. Nana, the loving and caring mother that she is, notices the change of her only son, she's airheaded, not stupid. The non-related All for One could care less so he spews out his fake story immediately. BNHA Shorty Squad, Fics that have my heart, Skelebooks (The Graveyard), Picky, Fics that Prove Fanfic is an Art, Dad for One Favourites, Finished Fics (bnha), good ol' fashioned fluff (and some crack and whump) for the BNHA soul, HighReread Value, Honestly every fanfic of Izuku I have ever read., Best of MHA ever!, Fucking GEMMMSSSS, Rhynes MHA . "Seriously, how did you know it was me?" Then a couple of abandoned kids from the streets. left kudos on this work! 19 guests
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