Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. Now, I ask you this question: Are all the Muslim states today in a peace treaty with the Christians? For more, see the detailed answer. The Mahdi is believed to be the Twelfth Imam, Hujjat-Allah al-Mahdi.They believe that the Twelfth Imam will return from the occultation as the Mahdi with "a company of his chosen ones," and his enemies will be led by the Dajjal and the Sufyani. Put together it appears we form some type of narrative the army of the Mahdi will unify the Muslim world. The Dajjal or the Anti-Christ is a major sign leading up to the day of Judgement. we see the Mahdi et al. No Mahdi will claim to be the Mahdi telling you to come and give Bayat to him. Dajjal will lead an army of the enemiesof Ahlulbayt and fight against Imam Al-Mahdi (A.S.) and he will be defeated. He also studied at the Hawza Ilmiyya of England and continues Hawza and Islamic studies with private teachers. Many of the hadith commentators stated that this leader (imam) would be none other than the Mahdi (Allah bless him). This hadith is in sahih Muslim it is authentic. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. The Mahdi will provide peace and stability for the people with him those that are with the Mahdi. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Imam Mahdi will come from the East. With regard to the order in which the portents of the Hour will appear, there is some difference of opinion among the scholars, the reason being that no such order of events is narrated in the Sunnah. According to a narration by Al-Shaykh al-Saduq from the Prophet (s), mention of Dajjal has been in the past but his presence will be in future. Another concept that is mentioned about the Mahdi is that the Mahdi is from Medina and that the Mahdi will flee from Medina to Makkah. 171 ,8301 . 3 The appearance of the Dajjal for more detail about his emergence, please see Questions no. Does the Mahdi come before `Isa alaihis salam or after? maybe rumors are spreading hes The Mahdi dont know but the rulers will say this man is a threat.So the man will become scared flee for his life he will not have an army alone single-handedly. Can you imagine a time when he said Isa ibn Maryam will come down from the heavens, this hadith is in Muslim and your Imam is from amongst you. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. There are a number of ahadith which point to his appearance and attributes being as described above. Allah says in the Quran: {No one knows what will happen tomorrow}. so all the a hadith about Imam Mahdi as well as the hadith reported also in the sunan abu dawood that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said The Mahdi is from my children my progeny and his forehead shall be large and wide and his nose will be aquiline so the nose is not going to be a flat nose, it is gonna be an aquiline a sharp nose and the forehead will be larger so in other words like some people they have a large forehead so this mahadi will have a large forehead. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. Copyright 2019-2023, All Rights Reserved |, When Imam Mahdi and Dajjal Will Come TO Earth ? Isnt it? Dr Rebecca Masterton graduated with a BA in Japanese Language and Literature; an MA in Comparative East Asian and African Literature and a PhD in Islamic literature of West Africa. Mulla `Ali al-Qari also states in his Mirqat,that the Dajjal will come out during the time of Imam Mahdi, indicating that the Mahdi will already be present at the time. You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Is Imam Mahdi in quran? Im not going to go into all of it it basically mentions until this army will then go towards Constantinople and conquer Constantinople. When he emerges, he will not be alone, rather Allah will support him with people from the east who will strive alongside him in order to bring strength to Islam. That Allah can change anyone from anything some of the Sahaba used to do very evil things. Dajjal is an evil person and he will never convince but only evil people like him. And that is why anyone who begins to tell the people come to me I am the Mahdi and he has two people five people ten people he is a liar by the text of the hadith. There are mentions that he will be killed by Imam (a) or in another narration by Jesus Christ (a). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Who will have the honor that Isa will come down and he is the Imam ? So the Mahdi will grudgingly take the Baiyath the army will be sent when the army is destroyed by Allah this is the sign everybody now knows this is the Mahdi. Qutb al-Din al-Rawandi narrated a hadith from the Prophet (s) through Sunni sources saying, "No prophet was ever assigned to mission unless he alarmed his people about the mischief of Dajjal.". You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. It is believed he will then be. Number one the name of the Mahdi will be what ? In Sunni hadiths, the riot of Dajjal is taken as a sign of the Day of Judgment. That is going to happen from the people the people will love him the people will respect him because of his Akhlakh not because the Mahadi is saying I am the man.So this hadith mentions a very important concept that the Mahdi is from Medina born and raise. The question will be whether people choose to follow him or not, as some people will not like what he stands for. So Isa (peace be upon him) will follow the Mahdi in prayer, which indicates that the Mahdi will appear before Isa, and Isa will kill the Dajjal, which indicates that the Dajjal will appear during the time of the Mahdi. Its pretty obvious who that persons going to be. Imam al-Mahdi will be a righteous man from among the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who will appear at the end of time, through whom Allah will set mankinds affairs straight, and will fill the earth with fairness and justice just as it was filled with wrongdoing and oppression. Who will eventually unite the Muslim Ummah and fill the world with justice. Imam Mehdi and Dajjal by Sahil Adeem End of TimeWHO IS IMAM MAHDI? Shaykh Abbas Di Palma holds a BA and an MA degree in Islamic Studies, and certifications from the Language Institute of Damascus University. When Imam Al-Mahdi(peace be upon him) appears, he will be accompanied by a set of cosmic signs known to the whole world, including the rising of the sun from the west, and the huge sound from the sky. In the Sunan of Abu Dawud it is stated that Imam Mahdi (Allah bless him) will be given allegiance by the people between the Black Stone and the maqam of Ibrahim (Allah bless him and grant him peace). This is a blessing from Allah let all these Islamophobes give their false memes and threats.What not no non-muslim army will ever even attempt to attack Maccah ? From it we learn three things well more but at least three. Some refer to them being something other than Bani Adam (i.e. Dajjl (Arabic: ) is a person or being which in some narrations has been considered among the greatest enemies of Imam al-Mahdi (a). This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 07:30. He is a Cultural Affairs director of Ethics Group of Al-Mustafa Open University and has also taught Arabic conversation at Masoomieh school. This is how we know it is the last hour. Will then change the situation of the earth from injustice back into justice. Hassan radiyaallahu taala anhu and this is the predominant position Ibn Qaiyyum mentions the majority of our scholars say the Mahdi will be from the children of Al- Hasan. His Majesty the Sultan said through a live broadcast on Tiktok's official account after a user asked "what will happen in the time of Imam Mahdi". If will be appeared to the public and he will say: I am the Mahdi from the family of Muhammad (peace be upon them), because with the emergence of these two great signs, it is impossible for the impersonators to look like his personality. OTP entered does not match. We dont know. Visit the Archived Website ImranHosein.org 2021 Will Dajjal come before, during, or after the advent of Imam Mahdi (as)? Those Who Will Reject the Dajjaal Will Lose their Wealth, Knowledgeable People Denying Gog and Magog, No hadeeth mentions the parents of the Antichrist, Gog and Magog are two tribes, not two men, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. Qutb al-Din al-Rawandi narrated a Hadith from the Prophet (SAWA)through Sunni sources saying, "No prophet was ever assigned to mission unless he alarmed his people about the mischief of Dajjal.". If we know when Mahdi will appear, we will know when Jesus will come, and then we will know when the Day of Judgment will come Nobody knows. , Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. For instance, there is mention of the Dajjal having a smoky chariot that crosses great distances at great speed. Dajjal came 170 Years back when Dajjal invented First Donkey (Rail) Other Donkeys like Ship, Aeroplane, Cars and Other vehicles invented later on. He is a graduate of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran. There are a number of ahadith which point to his appearance and attributes being as described above. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2023. He is to appear, pretending to be al-Masih (i.e. All rights reserved. The Prophet Muhammads Favorite Perfume (Pbuh), Similarities between Islam and Christianity, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Hindu scripture, Can We Meet Allah on the Day of Judgement, In Hardship and in Ease: How to Rely on Allah, Uthmans mission and the pledge of Ridwan. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It will continue fighting until finally it will conquer Qistantiniya. you dont have to ask identity when somebody comes from the heavens okay. Is the army of the Mahdi. So Allah will bless him with his progeny to get the Kursi back and Allah will bless him that of his progeny will be the real and the actual Mahdi. In hadiths (the origin for most of them are Sunni sources), it is mentioned that Dajjal claims to be God and by his existence, a great bloodshed and mischief happens in the world. Some protection will be given some safety will be there and there will be running and fighting in various places. More than100 years passed since Dajjal and Imam Mahdi came. Now who is or were this lineage be from ? About Dajjal, many unfounded assumptions have been proposed, none of which have any clear and definite reference and they are only based on possibilities. "A man called Al-Harith bin Harrath (Farmer son of a farmer, this is his description) will come forth from Ma Wara an-Nahr ("the place behind the river . It is often difficult to understand future prophecies until they happen. What is the current Islamic view in this modern age of Dajjal, Gog and Magog? It does not store any personal data. Existence of hadiths in which several Dajjals are mentioned supports this assumption including a hadith from the Prophet (s), "Before coming of the Dajjal, more than seventy Dajjals will come.". Who was Ibn Sayyaad? (In Hebrew, "al" and "il" mean God, e.g. Certainly, many prophecies about the Dajjal would have seemed fanciful in the past. Are you prepared for his arrival as many signs have come true! Dont be fooled by the tongue of the vipers there is no Mahdi. And what is the phrase and none shall attack the Kaaba except its own people. Dajjal is one of the definite signs of the reappearance of Imam Al Mahdi (A.S.). 50 years ago, the idea that, in the end times, the believer in the east will see the believer in the west was farfetched, and yet today we can do it with mobile phones. Hewill be killed by the last leader of righteous, Imam Al-Mahdi (A.S.). We also learned and this hadith as well as a Muslim so this is another one of those a hadith that mentions them at the indirectly we also learned that there shall be a great war taking place and the Muslims will be successful. The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah - Sunan Abu Dawood Book 37 Hadith 4271. When Imam Mahdi and Dajjal Will Come TO Earth ? Allah knows best. The Mahdi will become a righteous person, and this gives hope to all of us. Kindly reply in detail, Contents Dajjal is one of the definite signs of the reappearance of Imam Al Mahdi(A.S.). Question: Who comes first in the last days, the Mahdi or the Dajjal? Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. So, this hadith has already come. Dajjal or Antichrist will be before the reappearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (AS) and he will be killed by Imam Al-Mahdi(AS) or by Prophet Easa (Jesus) by order of the Imam Al-Mahdi (AS). So we have and this is a Sahih Muslim thats authentic and the other hadith Jerusalem which is theropathi which is not authentic. is attacking the Kaba, why would the army of Muslims attack the Kaaba ? 3 Things Will Happen Just Before Imam Mahdi Appears. When the Mahdi comes, the Dajjal will come. Unfortunately, we read narrations in some Sunni books, which are taken from Non-Muslims and it go against the Truth. Some people may have been tempted to draw parallels between Gog and Magog and twentieth-century powers such as the US and the USSR; however, given that the international situation is always changing, it seems that this is unlikely. Dajjal is the last leader of falsehood, will come before the reappearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (AS). Failing one of these things (for instance, not being able to understand a certain language or answer a question accurately) means he is not the Mahdi. He will also be called Muhammad and be a descendant of the Prophet in the line of his daughter Fatima (Ali's wife). You go ahead and lead. Even if one day remains for this world (to come to an end) Allah will prolong that day until he sends a man from my progeny (sons). And lets see whether these things have happened to us already so that we know whether we should pack our bags right now and get going, or what should we be doing? He will come down they will pause fajr until he comes down. Part 1, , , , , Can Muslims keep Non-Muslims as Friends -Zakir Naik, Boyfriends, Girlfriends Fantasy & Temptation Haram Relationship, 70,000 Angels Follow You When You Do This, 2 Dua Allah Guarantees to Answer During Bad Times. What About Our Liege-Lord `Isa (Allah bless him). And this is one of the differences between a sentiment of many many differences . Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This is explained in more detail in question no. And the people will give him Biyath. MusnadAhmad Ibn Hanbal from Abdullah Ibn Omar. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ", According to Imam al-Sadiq (a), in a lengthy speech, Imam Ali (a) said, "Imam al-Mahdi (a) will go from Mecca to Jerusalem al-Quds with his companions and there war happened between Imam (a) and Dajjal and his army; and Dajjal and his army will be defeated so that the first to the last of them will be killed and then the world will thrive.". before Dajjal. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Views : What About Our Liege-Lord `Isa (Allah bless him)? What is this war of wars? All About. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Thats what the person said he will be from our ummah and Isa will pray behind him ? He also obtained a PhD from ANU, Canberra. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2023. Madhab of Isa alayhisaalam and Imam Mahdi; Mahdi's Reign. For example, the narration in Sahih Muslim which is called HadeethAl-Jassasa Volume 8 Page 204 & Hadeeth in Sahih Al Bukhari about Ibn Sayyad who is according to the narration of Bukharithe Dajjal. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Who will have the honor that Issa will pray behind somebody from our ummah ? So then we add this hadith the governments of the time will become terrified. Shaykh Dr Zaid Alsalami is an Iraqi born scholar, raised in Australia. Dear questioner, Thank you for your valued question. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to , Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. He shouts, "My servants! Will When will The Mahdi appear? Signs of the coming of Imam al-Mahdi The sign of his appearance will be widespread corruption and the earth being filled with wrongdoing and aggression. It is narrated in many Sunni books e.g. (Al Amali by Al Toosi, Page 459). She has been teaching for seventeen years through different media, and has also worked in media for ten years, producing and presenting programs for several TV channels. so theyre there in Damascus waiting waiting waiting when he comes they know exactly who it is. because according to our Sharia when you enter Makkah no one is allowed to hurt you. One day he shall overcome a change hell become a righteous person .Most likely this is now we are reading in most likely certain political calam its will be taking place and the rulers of their times will know that this person is a threat to us. Until there are no Muslims left in the earth. where is dajjal hiding, Signs about dajjal, how was dajjal born, Is Dajjal here, when will dajjal come . Others hold to the literal view in hadith that Dajjal is a one-eyed person who will arise at the end of time, have many followers, cause suffering and harm, deceive people into following him, and ultimately be defeated by the Mahdi (A). There will be a peace treaty between the Muslims and the Christians. @talibs_exposed He (Mahdi) AS will be from Mosul, cornered against the second Sufiyani of bani Kalb, and flee to Mecca . Until that happens please brothers and sisters dont be fooled by the sweet talk of the sweet talkers. Rajat or Rajah means the return to this life after death. , Dajjal is the last leader of falsehood, will come before the reappearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (AS). He will be descended from Fatimah the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), through al-Hasan ibn Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias and will drink the water in it, and the last of them will pass by it and will say, There was water here once. Narrated by Muslim, no.
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