It is an ostinato pattern that occurs in the lowest part. 5.) Notice how the speaker uses visual aids to help communicate the message. In general, operatic arias of the Romantic period, for example those by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), provide good examples of homophonic music. 1. The singers have managed to This will probably pass with more ex not carry ice to the North Pole, one car between rival political and criminal ly performed by young male adults as a to widespread use of the faith's use simple melodic lines and often posure to the range of reggae which in ries fire. (00:13). How were instruments of the Renaissance typically used in performances of that era? which feature characterizes the great mosque of cordoba. Following on from the successful first volume, and featuring a variety of themes, scenes and characters, Hear Me Now, Volume Two is an essential tool for actors of colour to showcase their range, and seeks to inspire, empower, and create a legacy for generations to come. Listen to the audio clip. 4.) The composers Samuel Barber, Thea Musgrave, and Ned Rorem resisted the 20th-century trend of serialism, Which of the following is the composer for this piece? Definition. The ecumenical meeting of the Catholic church convened to address Protestantism was: 5.) Match the document with its significance: treatise in which the author tries to discredit Ars Nova, 3.) Both text and [musical] notes, accent and melody, and manner of rendering ought to grow out of the true mother tongue and its inflection, otherwise all of it becomes an imitation, in the manner of apes.244 Which 8th- and 9th-century ruler had a profound influence on Church music? Is it ever acceptable for musicians to override the aesthetics of a musical style or culture to make it more acceptable to the musical taste of a different culture or audience? All the words in the text are sounded together, All the melodic lines move together in the same rhythm. The voices constantly imitate each other. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. (00:20). Consonant harmonies usually provide a feeling of tension. 5.) Some organizations, therefore, recommend that nations buy and preserve rain forest land and educate local people about living in the rain forest without destroying it. In fifteenth-century composition, paraphrase can best be described as: elaborating a preexisting chant, for use as a new cantus firmus in a polyphonic work. But the melody of a piece of music isn't just any . style improvisation on a long-note tenor, 2 and 3: Two wonderful carmina by Ludwig Senfl, c. 1510. It combines of two or more different melodic lines. In troubadour performance practice, instruments were probably associated with genres of ___________. This is an English madrigal, with polyphonic texture, no instruments, and abundant word painting. 4.) Correct label: A homorhythmic texture is one in which all of the lines, The musical element that describes the way in which. (00:11), True (The piece slows down towards the end of the example. Francesco Landini's output is dominated by the genre of ___________. Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume de Machaut, A unifying factor for social, political, and cultural life in the Medieval period was. 3.) Which religious reformer called Josquin the master of the notes? Melodic imitation is the repetition of a melody in a diverse sound texture briefly after its first show in a different voice. (00:14), The following music excerpt features: (00:17), A mixture of polyphonic and homophonic textures. Posted on . The imitating voice restates the melody . a continuous bass line, with realized harmonies, a later madrigal composer, who explored the extremes of chromaticism. 4.) Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? Renaissance humanism is characterized by: A. emphasis on the achievements of humanity B. interest in ancient texts C. interest in Roman orators such as Cicero and Quintilian D. interest in rhetorical expression. Identify whether the following examples are associated mostly with France or Italy: Ars Subtilior, 3.) Melody is a timely arranged linear sequence of pitched sounds that the listener perceives as a single entity. Which of the following was NOT known as a composer of choral music? The characteristics of a melody may be best described in terms of: The melody in the following excerpt is comprised of: (00:24), Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? (00:48). called: When two ideas are combined ("Hallelujah" and "For the Lord A polyphonic texture has a single melodic line. Which of the following were important composers of the Classical period? 4.) -all voices move in same rhythm polyphony. B. German C. French. Guido dArezzo wrote The Fundamentals of Music, a very important medieval treatise (essay). The sixth-century writer who transmitted much of ancient Greek music theory to medieval scholars was: The two most important feasts in the Christian liturgical calendar are: Though there were several chant traditions in the early Christian church, the one with the most extensive written legacy was: What musical/theoretical characteristic distinguishes the soft from the hard hexachord? The ___________ is the opening melody common to all Mass items in a cyclic Mass. same rhythm. The form in which successive stanzas are each set to the same music is: 2.) Perhaps the greatest environmental tragedy of our time is the destruction of the Amazon rain forest. Then, indicate how each phrase is used by writing above it ADJ for adjective phrase or ADV for adverb phrase. Be sure to use specific musical examples from this week's listening and scholarly sources to support. English madrigals in honor of "Oriana," or Queen Elizabeth I. Which of the following excerpts features frequently changing tempos? In the following list, I describe three common ways of attaching the strap to the neck side of the mandolin (see Figure 3-5): Tie the strap to the headstock. Download Citation | The Contribution of Music Abilities and Phonetic Aptitude to L2 Accent Faking Ability | This study examined how second language (L2) speakers' individual differences in music . Syncopation is often used in jazz settings, This example illustrates the use of: (00:30), The following example features a steady pulse played by the bass. Which of the following were important composers in the Contemporary period? range. All the melodic lines move together in the same rhythm. Based on the question above, the correct answer is the imitating voice restates the melody, In conclusion,we can conclude that the statement that does not describe melodic imitation is the restatement of the melody by the imitating voice, Learn more on melodic imitation here: Its origin can be in celestial bodies such as the sun, the moon, or the stars, natural phenomena such as lightning, or in materials in combustion, ignition, or incandescence.Throughout history, human beings have devised different procedures to obtain light in spaces lacking it, such as torches, candles, candlesticks . Fugue derives from the Latin words fugere and fugare, meaning . Which excerpt is an example of accelerando? Composers of polyphonic Lutheran chorale settings continued what compositional practice that was considered out-dated elsewhere in Europe: 6.) The ___________ Masses represent the most extensive dynasty of cyclic masses set on a single cantus firmus. ", We can say that the melody in the following example is typical of the Classical period because it is: (00:08), Which genre is represented by this example? Which of the following was not a member of the Five? 5.) In Anonymous IV's treatise, ___________ is named as the greatest composer of. is a texture in which there is only one melody and no accompaniment. The most important genre of troubadour song was the ___________. Which statement does NOT apply to the following music example? sociology chapter 3 review quizlet which of the following does not describe melodic imitation? (00:28). O D. The reason for playing softly. For instance, since the 6th degree of F major is D, the relative minor of F major is D minor.. (00:45), Thick texture with full and frequently dissonant chords. 5.) The following excerpt represents: (00:11), The following excerpt represents melody by itself without harmonic accompaniment. The melodic imitation is not exact, and this must be deliberate on Bach's part. It represented the first viable alternative to tonal music. A texture in which all words are clearly sung together in the same The composer pictured above is best known for taking older forms and styles and redefining them in modern ways. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Letters (i.e., A, B, C) are used to designate musical divisions brought about by the repetition of melodic material or the presentation of new, contrasting material. During the early Renaissance, what was characteristic of instrumental music? 4.) In ___________, the entire polyphonic texture of a motet or other piece is incorporated into the Mass. The technique of harmoniously setting one musical line against another. From the word pairs, select the one that completes the following sentence correctly. Which of the following statements best describes the role of technology with regard to art music in the Contemporary period? Match the composer with his description/significance: was a fifteenth-century composer of isorhythmic motets, 3.) No One to Meet: Imitation and Originality in the Songs of Bob Dylan . The cadences in the anonymous English Caput Mass (ca. THE HARMONY DOES NOT MOVE IN SYNCHRONIZATION WITH THE MELODY The following excerpt is an example of Renaissance a cappella choral music. Christe eleison. Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass was believed to have done what? one main melody Correct Answer(s) Most people can listen to a series of several songs and then tell you which one if those came from the 80s (or sounds like it did), but if you asked someone to describe how to get that 80s sound, most people wouldn't be able to tell you anything except to put a lot of reverb on the snare, possibly. The most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is: (00:35) Imitation between voices. The composer who is said to be the last of the trouvres is ___________. jazz spirituals, simultaneous elaborations of same melody, -two or more melodic lines of equal importance Wide dynamic range and repetition in the melody to express deep feelings. Match the document with its significance: collection of, 3.) Josquin was probably born in ___________. What would you expect next? A natural minor scale can also be constructed by altering a major scale with accidentals. Listen to the audio clip. When a melody acquires significant importance within . The proper musical term for "increasing the tempo" is __________. Which of the following is a composition for the vihuela? 7.Fidel Castro, While reading lines 36-85: Circle - the boldfaced headings. (00:59). Which of the following is a part of the definition of homorhythm? Which of the following types of texture does it represent? The proper musical term for decreasing the tempo is __________. Which of the following does NOT describe melodic imitation? (00:40), Wide dynamic range and repetition in the melody to express deep feelings, The musical features of the following example suggest that it comes from a/an: (00:40), In the Baroque period, music for keyboard, Was created mainly for use in instrumental genres such as sonatas, suites, and concertos. Which of the following excerpts has a fast tempo? This composer pictured above wrote The Blue Danube, arguably the most famous waltz of all time. The main innovation of Franconian notation was: the use of different shaped note heads to indicate rhythmic duration. One characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it might be from the Baroque Period is::29 6.) All the words in the text are sounded together. is the density of and interaction between a work's different voices. Which of the following is NOT a chant of the Proper of the Mass? Who is credited with the creation of plainsong? How does John Dowland express sorrow and melancholy in Flow My Tears? Tempo is an Italian universal musical term that refers to the speed at which a music composition is played. 6.) Which of the following forms is not based on the principle of contrast? (10:32), Which of the following is the composer for this excerpt? Which of the following statements describe the use of word painting in this recording? If music was considered a part of the quadrivium in Medieval thought, after Josquin it was associated more closely with ___________. Which of the following describe this musical excerpt and, When two ideas are combined ("Hallelujah" and "For the, Which of the following is a part of the definition of. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. A type of canon, Voices enter in succession with the same melody, and It is a strictly imitative form to describe the round.And a term used interchangeably with monophony, Voices enter in succession with varied melodies do not describe the round.. What is round? Students absorb the fundamental music materials for their "tool box" to be used in more complex activities in the future. This really is key. For some of the selections, you might consider a choral reading. The rhythmic "surprise" created by accents occurring in unexpected places in the following example is called (00:13), The top number of the time signature above, represents: (3 on top, 4 on bottom). An important innovation of Ars Nova was that it accounted for the musical notation of: 3.) Which of the following examples represents sacred music? How might the different groups that migrated have sought to apply this philosophy to their individual circumstances? monophonic A book of troubadour songs is a ___________. Which of the following describe this musical excerpt and which do not? Avatar: Calea Apei cas her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee. c . The New Order carries over many of the tropes seen on The Legacy with the same focus on Alex Skolnick's guitar leads, Chuck Billy's multi-faceted vocals, arcane lyrics, and rhythms that are faster and tighter than ever. One difference between a Renaissance Mass and a motet is: A Mass is always based on a specific text that is part of the liturgy of a given day. (3:26), The texture of the following example from the Classical period can best be described as: (00:38). What kinds of visual aids are used? Composers began to put their name on their compositions and expected to be compensated; Virtuoso women singers began singing in several Italian courts; Patronage increased in the courts of the nobility. In conclusion,we can conclude that the statement that does not describe melodic imitation is the restatement of the melody by the imitating voice. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. ___________ is the technique of using repeated melodic (color) and rhythmic (talea) patterns in fourteenth-century motets. Watch a how-to television program (a cooking show, for example) or the weather portion of a local newscast. D. Jean-Baptiste Lully. By convention, the musical Renaissance is said by music historians to begin in the first half of the ___________ century. The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. How many voices is t his piece written for? Usually, folk tunes, songs, spirituals, and hymns are not good examples of strophic form. You may discuss anything you wish. The following excerpt is an example of duple meter. Welcome to r/kpop 's testing phase for Weekly Discussion posts! -experienced listening T/F, The simplest texture is ( ), which is ( ) melodic line(s) without accompaniment. Quickly and professionally. . (00:27), It features imitation that goes through all the voices. The composer of the first known cyclic Mass was ___________. Learn more on melodic imitation . If this piece were performed on. How do they enhance the clarity, interest, and retainability of the speakers message? The English term fugue originated in the 16th century and is derived from the . The musical texture that consists of a single melody without accompaniment is called: This music excerpt is an example of: (00:31), The following excerpt represents homophonic texture. (00:54). -common in non W culture Briefly explain its connection to the restructuring of the postwar world since 1945. __________ is an Italian term that describes moderately fast tempo, The repeated rhythm pattern is part of the accompaniment, The following piece is an example of triple meter. According to the text, what was the significance of Debussys work? Which of the following excerpts is most likely a composition by Paganini? Deluxe triple vinyl LP pressing including CD edition. SUBMIT The earliest type of polyphony in the medieval church was called: The following type(s) of evidence is used to gain a clearer picture of ancient music: A. iconographic depictions of music making B. written descriptions of music making C. examples of music notation. Which of the following trends in contemporary music does this excerpt exemplify? Which of the following characterize heterophony and which do not? Which of the following is a part of the definition of homorhythm? Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? The interweaving of melody and harmony produces ( ) in music. Given the atonal nature of this example, which of the following is the most likely composer? -traditional and popular music 5.) A homorhythmic texture is one in which all of the lines move in the A varied repeat of the first section with a return of the two original themes, Which Classical genre is represented by this example? A. a series of Mass Proper items for the liturgical year B. English Catholic music C. polyphonic church music, a compositional style characterized by alternating choirs and a compositional style found in Venice at St. Mark's Cathedral. (00:27), Given the Hungarian folk music flavor of this example, which of the following is the most likely composer? (7:19). What was one of the most influential innovations that helped spread and popularize Renaissance secular music? Which of the following 20th-century trends sought to restore order, harmony, and emotional restraint to music? Renaissance composers did not specify the instruments to play a composition, so performers would use whatever instruments were available; Renaissance musicians played wind, string, and percussion instruments; Mixed groupings of different kinds, such as recorders and viols might be heard in ensembles of as many as thirty musicians. Music that allows for an element of chance to enter the performance, Nadia Boulanger was a prominent music teacher who taught some of the most influential composers of the 20th century, including Aaron Copland, Philip Glass, and Walter Piston. It is a single voice alone. 5.) Which of the following were important composers in the Medieval period? 6.) The lute imitates the voice's upward leaps and so becomes more prominent than before. - Which of the following statements does NOT describe the music common in the Baroque era? Which of the following statements are true of the texture in Josquin's Ave Mariavirgo serena? Homorhythm. Notes that dont belong to the traditional scale are known as ______________ alterations. Autor do artigo Por ; Data do artigo pontoon rail speaker mount; penn common wolverhampton walks . (00:20). This is a motet on the Latin prayer "Ave Maria" with polyphonic imitation. (00:13), Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? NY Times Paywall - Case Analysis with questions and their answers. This is the equivalent of a Free-For-All post, but here are some suggested topics: Ask questions. In homophony, all the. 3.) See Page 1. Which statements best describe the recording? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Which of the following statements best describes musical form in the Romantic period? Which of the following describes melodic imitation? Two or more melodic lines combined into multi-voiced texture (fugue) Term. String a series of notes together, one after the other, and you have a melody. Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony? Which of the following best describes aleatory music? collection of musical: examples of, 3.) 2.) (00:36)`, The following excerpt is dissonant. is characterized by multiple voices harmonically moving together at the same pace. The imitating voice restates the melody. All the words in the text are sounded together. The independence and equality of concurrent melodic lines, The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. The composer of this selection is: (10:26), The following excerpt features characteristics of polyphonic texture. A melody that moves by small intervals is described as ---, and a melody that moves by large intervals is described as ---., A melodic --- ends in a resting place, or ---. This article contributes to this re-emergence using the example of the Wiener Symphoniker, and by seeking long-term 'fascistization' processes surrounding the orchestra rather than blunt . (00:11), The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. In music, texture is how the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition, thus determining the overall quality of the sound in a piece. ___________ is an instrumental genre organized as a series of points of imitation. multiple melodies, -melody(primary focus) w/ harmonies Heterophony. C. It comforts listeners with words about hope for the future. voice part containing the cantus firmus, 2.) Composers and arrangers can introduce some elements of variation in a piece of music without altering its basic form. Which of the following does NOT describe a musical motive? The cantus firmus is deployed in the tenor voice throughout, giving an underlying structure. A song that mixes verses of two or more languages is called: 2.) Composers often use rhythmic variations of the ground bass to create textural interest throughout the piece. Definition. 4: From Diego Ortiz' 1553 treatise on playing the viol and improvising: an example of what one should be able to improvise against a repeating bass pattern. Master of Puppets is the third installment in a trilogy of albums that built the thrash metal genre. Incorrect Answer(s) It is only a part of instrumental music. In a way similar to something like The Last in Line, Testament's sophomore album could be seen as a complement to their debut. Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? 5.) scientifically, a pitch is determined by its frequency. Which of the following statements describe significant aspects of the music of Josquin Desprez? At that time most schools were privately operated and charged fees. Which of these statements best describes the unique rhythmic feature in this example? A. chromatic notes that lay outside of the traditional gamut B. flats or sharps outside the traditional gamut, the rhythmic pattern in an isorhythmic piece. Which of the following Italian tempo terms best applies to this selection? phrases of discant that were interchangeable, 2.) (00:31). Musician-poets who spoke Old French, or. polyphonic. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Which of the following describe the texture of Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and which do not? Which of the following statements describe changes in musical patronage in the Renaissance? The fugue is usually built on a specific theme called a subject, and it relies on the systematic imitation of this theme through a particular structure. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 3583488 Case study Answer questions Production Operations ManagementEP.edited. According to tradition, staff notation was invented by: For medieval composers of polyphony, which of the following was. O C. A short musical idea. melodies are not easy to sing or remember primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony Dynamic contrast - alteration between loud and soft Music Genres - operas, oratorios, suites, tocattas, concerto grosso, fugue Orchestra consists of strings and continuo Hapsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used Of the Protestant reformers, ___________ had the most negative view toward music. Example: The first day after Christmas marks the beginning of the 2018 release. 4.Which term describes a melody that moves by small intervals? B. . It uses harmonies that help express the emotions of the words; the humanistic interest in language is evident in vocal music; It uses word painting to represent poetic images. 4.) The harmony does not move in synchronization with the melody. A cadence punctuates the music the same way that a comma or --- punctuates a sentence., Which of the following are . 4.) -one focus, single line of melody. All the words in the text are sounded together. A homorhythmic texture is one in which all of the lines move in the same rhythm. The illustration shown of the Emperor Maximillian in his music workshop depicts which of the following? a. consonant c. dissonant b. conjunct d. disjunct ANS: B DIF: Medium 5.A melody can be characterized by: a. its range. A cyclic Mass in cantus firmus style is best described as: a setting of the Mass Ordinary in which all items share the same tenor melody, French example of the contenance angloise. Thanks to music printing, madrigals were published by the thousands in Italy and later in England; many madrigals were composed by Luca Marenzio and Carlo Gesualdo in Italy, and Thomas Weelkes in England. One of the first collections of printed music, Odhecaton A, consisted of: 4.) A melody consists of a succession of: Pitches. 3) Voices enter in succession with the same melody. The melodic lines are set in counterpoint to each other. Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Give Me Liberty! What work and composer are presented?
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