Tugs towed her to Long Beach to be reactivated and modernized. The U.S.S. HullNumber.com takes your privacy seriously. Worked as Weapons Dept YN and then in the Captain's Office during the damned Decomm. | New Jersey continued her Pacific combat operations into 1945, supporting the invasions of Iwo Jima and the Ryukyus. The anti-ship Tomahawk had a range of 240 miles or more and used active-radar homing to hit ships far beyond the horizon. In addition to her role as a museum, the New Jersey has been the site of numerous memorial services and commemorations of historical events. On June 7, 1954, off the Virginia Capes, all four Iowa-class battleships steamed together for the first and only time. At Pearl Harbor, the New Jerseys flag quarters were enlarged and updated to be the best in the fleet.. USS New Jersey was awarded the Armed Force Expeditionary Medal for September 23, 1983 to April 3, 1984, for her duty off Beirut, Lebanon, and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Persian Gulf, December 2, 1989 to December 14, 1989. The battleline fulfilled the role assigned by Admiral Spruance of protecting the carriers by downing most of the attackers with virtually impenetrable antiaircraft fire, while sustaining minimal injury. USS New Jersey was selected as to participate in the Navys first midshipman training to Europe since 1938. Just aft of the propellers are the two semi-balanced streamlined type rudders with a projected area of 340 square feet each. The following websites post reunion notices and provide resources for locating veterans: Hullnumber.com (Navy ships and air squadrons), United States Naval Academy Alumni Association. The flat steel wall of the battleships side confronted them. USS New Jersey Aircraft Historical Marker - hmdb.org For her two tours between May 17, 1951, and July 27, 1953, USS New Jersey was awarded the Korean Service Medal with four battle stars 1. SAAF, Courtland P, SEA2, 6000770, USNR, from New York, USS Juneau, location Solomon Islands, missing, date of loss November 13, 1942 (pm) + SAAF, Courtland P, Seaman . Navybuddies.com Crew List - Reunite with old US Navy Buddies USS New Mexico (BB-40) - Wikipedia During her tour, USS New Jersey made resupply and liberty visits to the Philippines, Japan, and Singapore. During June, while U.N. forces penetrated the Iron Triangle, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Forrest Sherman, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet Admiral Arthur Radford, and Far East Naval Commander Admiral Turner Joy boarded the New Jersey and watched her bombard Wonson. Trigger Submarine 1941-1945 - Wreck Wrak Epave Wrack Pecio When the first American ship entered Leyte Gulf, Japan triggered its new decisive battle plan called Sho Ichi Go, meaning Victory One Operation. This complicated plan sought to use Admiral Ozawas carriers, which had only a few planes and trained pilots, as bait to lure Halsey and the Third Fleet away from Leyte Gulf while Japans still powerful surface fleet launched a two-pronged pincer attack Admiral Takeo Kurita through San Bernardino Strait and Admiral Shji Nishimura through Surigao Strait into Leyte Gulf to destroy the American amphibious ships there. From October 23, 1968, to April 1, 1969, USS New Jersey provided fire support to American troops from Quang Ngai to the DMZ, including Danang, Hue, Phan Theit, Tuy Hoa, Con Thein, and Cam Ranh Bay. BB-62 was the second warship named for the State of New Jersey. We lost five planes in one day on that one target. Japan committed to the attack all its modern battleships, including for the first time its treaty-busting battleships, Yamato and Musashi, with displacement exceeding 64,000 tons and 18.1-inch guns both the largest ever for a battleship. Full History - Battleship New Jersey While her main battery remained unchanged, lighter weapons were frequently added and subtracted. The New Jersey first set sail under her own power on July 8, 1943, training her crew and testing her guns and engines under Forrestals gaze. At Long Beach, California, in 1946, she prepared to observe the atomic bomb tests at Bikini atoll, but they went on without her. There he and Carney remained for an hour of undisclosed drama, while the New Jersey and the rest of Halseys force continued to speed north toward Admiral Ozawa, and away from Taffy 3. Halsey later related: I was sorry not to have the New Jersey again, but she was in overhaul.. To fool incoming anti-ship missiles, USS New Jerseys 1967 refit installed a new ULQ-6B electronic countermeasures system and four new Mk 28 Chaffroc chaff rocket launchers. Her introduction led to the major powers building great fleets of ever more powerful dreadnought battleships. USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) Deployments & History - Hull Number The topic , The Battleship New Jersey will hold her annual Vietnam War Living History Day on Saturday, April 1 to commemorate the anniversary of the re-commissioning of the USS New Jersey into the Vietnam War on April , Second Annual Admiral Halsey Awards Dinner will take place Thursday, May 11, 2023. She helped shoot down twenty Japanese warplanes and kamikazes, and rescued downed American pilots. Both Spruance and Towers went on to command the Pacific Fleet. He then received voluminous shellfire from a battleline the last in history formed by Admiral Oldendorfs cruisers and six old battleships, five of which had been sunk or damaged at Pearl Harbor. The New Jersey and her sister ships can outgun and outclass any rival platform. To counter the Soviet military and naval expansion, the New Jersey led her three sisters into the Missile Age, adding cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, and anti-missile weapons to their massive 16-inch guns and numerous 5-inch guns, making them the most formidable surface warships ever put to sea by the Navy. These dual-purpose guns could hit stationary targets up to 9 miles away, and aircraft at closer ranges. Accordingly, the Japanese Navy sought a decisive battle to stop the Fifth Fleet. 1 user currently logged in and 94 visitors active. 06/25/2012 two2scoops@aol.com Ernest Caltenback. USS New Jersey continued steaming on the summer cruise for 700 midshipmen. The New Jersey returned to Ulithi on March 5, but even that remote atoll was the target of a night kamikaze attack on March 12. The length of the hull is divided with 4-foot frame section spacings into a total of 216 frames. The New Jerseys radar-directed 5-inch guns downed an aircraft in a Japanese night airstrike on March 29. Fear of another expensive naval arms race led to the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty. This was the New Jerseys third recommissioning still a Navy record. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS New Jersey (BB 62), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, I was part of the the decmission crew. The damaged Iowa was decommissioned in October 1990, and it was decided the New Jersey would be next. Another great place is the USS New Jersey Veterans Association website, their address is below. In December 1985, she became the first battleship to fire the anti-ship version of the Tomahawk missile. | The attack sunk twenty-nine ships and destroyed 214 aircraft. She rejoined the fast carriers on October 27, 1944. USS New Jersey promptly supported the next offensive, the assault on the Marshall Islands. This shaft horsepower is sufficient to produce a speed of 33 knots at normal displacement. Roughly half the workforce building the New Jersey was from New Jersey and took the ferry across the Delaware River to the Yard, making the New Jersey one of the few battleships built by laborers from her namesake state. The New Jerseys unmatched service in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, and the conflicts in Lebanon and the Persian Gulf put her in harms way in more battles, campaigns, and wars than any almost any other vessel. Launched on the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor, she fought in World War II, was the first battleship reactivated for the Korean War, the only battleship to serve in the Vietnam War, and the first battleship reactivated to end the Cold War. New Jersey was outfitted with three Vought OS2U Kingfisher floatplanes for this purpose at the beginning of her World War II service in 1943. ARDIE ARVIDSON, MORNING NEWS Ed Spivey is a United States Navy veteran of World. They sank a heavy cruiser, two light cruisers, several destroyers, and many transports bearing reinforcements. It involved about 200,000 sailors and airmen, almost a thousand aircraft, nearly three hundred major warships, and hundreds of other ships. With several destroyers dangerously low on fuel and high in the water, Admiral Halsey ordered refueling to continue. And with a speed of 35 knots, the New Jersey will be among the fastest ships afloat.. merced toyota The Guinness Book of World Records awarded USS New Jersey the title as the fastest battleship in history. Admiral Spruance ordered the New Jersey and six other fast battleships, with cruisers and destroyers, to form a battle line under Admiral Lee. Marshall Island Operations, 6. On June 6, 1944, the New Jersey, Iowa, and the 642 smaller ships of Admiral Spruances Fifth Fleet sailed from Majuro for the Marianas. All the 40mm guns were removed in 1967. As early as the 1970s, the Battleship New Jersey Historical Museum Society and other organizations had been formed to lobby the Navy to return the historic New Jersey to the State for which she was named. shipmates. The New Jersey was the only Iowa-class battleship to support every Marine amphibious invasion in the Pacific in 1944-45, as well as General MacArthurs amphibious operations in New Guinea and the Philippines. Unable to prevent the New Jerseys battle group from patrolling these international waters off Siberia, the Soviet Union shadowed her with a cruiser and frigates, and buzzed her with patrol aircraft, bombers, and helicopters. 6 October 1944 ~ 26 January 1945: Captain Oswald S. Colclough, USN: 26 January 1945 ~ 15 June 1945: Captain Byron H. Hanlon, USN: 15 June 1945 ~ 1 . To protect her from torpedoes, the New Jersey also had an extension of the armor belt to the triple bottom, an internal bulge, and torpedo bulkheads. Off the Southern California coast on May 10, she became the first surface warship to conduct a successful firing of the Tomahawk Cruise Missile, landing a direct hit on a target over 500 miles away in central Nevada. She also conducted fleet exercises with the Seventh Fleet. USS New Jersey sailed back to the Philadelphia Naval Yard and received four more quadruple 40mm guns to augment her anti-aircraft protection. | P.O. The need for speed was demonstrated on December 7, 1941, when Japans surprise attack on Pearl Harbor sank or damaged eight battleships, enabled a string of Japanese invasions across the Pacific, and launched a full-scale naval war in which new, fast battleships were desperately needed. She again fired her big guns in combat during the Lebanon crisis of 1983-84 and deployed to the western Pacific in 1986 and 1989-90, with the latter cruise extending to the Persian Gulf area. Her 16-inch guns could range twenty miles inland, outdistancing Army artillery and demolishing targets that had survived repeated air attacks. In the winter, they had reeled back as huge numbers of Chinese troops crossed the Yalu River and retook Seoul. It combined for the first time all the aspects of modern naval warfare air, surface, subsurface, and amphibious warfare. Into 1945, USS New Jersey participated in the invasions of Iwo Jima and the Ryukyus. In this episode we're talking. USS New Jersey was commissioned for the second time on November 21, with Admiral Halsey speaking and breaking out his five-star flag. She was docked at Bremerton until early 1947, when she returned through the Panama Canal to the Atlantic. From January 25 to February 4, the New Jersey protected carriers striking the Japanese bases on Kwajalein and Eniwetok atolls, enabling the Army and Marines to invade Kwajalein and Majuro atolls. USS New Jersey (BB-62) was initially painted in dark single-color Camouflage Measure 21 and remained in this scheme for about two years. Two were stored on the catapults located aft near the stern and one was stored on the aft deck. During the next two hours, Kinkaid sent repeated urgent messages to the New Jersey that his escort carriers were being attacked by four battleships, eight cruisers, and destroyers, and asking Halsey to launch airstrikes immediately and send Admiral Lee at top speed with his battleships, including the New Jersey, to prevent the Japanese from destroying the escort carriers and entering Leyte Gulf. As Halseys flagship in the Battle for Leyte Gulf, the New Jersey was the site of some of the most dramatic and controversial command decisions of the war. Admiral Spruance and USS New Jersey arrived in Tokyo Bay on September 17, 1945. Halsey later said he made a mistake in bowing to pressure and turning south. Information usually available on muster rolls includes: It will be necessary to view the image of the muster rolls in order to obtain most of this information. The early 1980s defense buildup produced a fourth active period for New Jersey, beginning with her recommissioning in December 1982. The four Iowa-class were the only battleships fast enough to keep up with the fast carriers in World War II. 2023 Wall Calendar - CLICK HERE. When he became the commander of the Central Pacific Force in November 1943, Spruance decided not to have a battleship for a flagship so his own movements would not weaken his fleet. After fighting fascism, communism, and terrorism, she was decommissioned for the final time in February 1991. After 1956, a list of the officers is usually included with the muster rolls. Why the encoding officer used The World Wonders as padding is unknown, but October 25 happened to be the anniversary of The Charge of the Light Brigade celebrated in Tennysons poem. Once again Wonson shore batteries fired and were silenced by the New Jersey. The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, the Berlin Wall was torn down, and democracies replaced the Communist governments in Eastern Europe. Admiral Kinkaids messages to Admiral Halsey on USS New Jersey were being monitored at Pearl Harbor by Admiral Nimitz. For all the complaining we did, it was one of the best commands I ever served with. The battleships with their large crews were seen as uneconomical. Clancy also included USS New Jersey in his second book in 1986. Taffy 3s few destroyers and destroyer escorts exhausted their torpedoes in desperate charges and then closed to point-blank range to use their 5-inch guns against the impenetrable armor of the powerful Japanese ships. She also received the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, and the Navy Unit Citation. The Big J is being reactivated with the latest in missile, electronic warfare, and communications technology. She was the Navys featured attraction at New Yorks Armed Forces Day that May. Led by the New Jersey, Admiral Spruances ships and planes at Truk sank a total of two light cruisers, four destroyers, three auxiliary cruisers, the armed minesweeper/trawler, two subchasers, two sub tenders, a plane ferry, and two dozen precious transports and tankers; damaged other many other ships; and destroyed over 250 aircraft. During this tour, the New Jersey was repeatedly visited by the President of South Korea, Syngman Rhee, and his wife. Her battle group sailed to Thailand and was the only Navy presence in the Western Pacific. This limited the United States Navy to 18 battleships totaling 525,000 tons displacement. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. The ship was built in 1921 by the New York Shipbuilding Corp., of Camden, New Jersey, as SS Blue Hen State, but was renamed President Garfield in 1923 and then SS President Madison in 1940 for service with American President Lines. Recommissioning was completed on budget and ahead of schedule. The Japanese main fleet had already fled, but Spruances carrier planes pounded the atoll and the remaining ships in its lagoon. On November 25, the New Jersey shot down six kamikazes and damaged several others, but some still struck four carriers. Halsey commanded the Third Fleet on the New Jersey from August 24, 1944 until January 27, 1945. She was also the first battleship to enter the Persian Gulf, and the first battleship in thirty years to lead her own battle group a role in which Tom Clancy featured her in his best-selling novel The Hunt for Red October. While the aircraft carrier remains the foundation of American naval power, the battleship will today be the sovereign of the seas. She also is a historic battlefield of six wars, enabling visitors to stand where Halsey, Spruance, and countless others fought. On February 16-17, to prevent kamikazes from interfering with the landings, the New Jersey escorted the first major carrier strike against Japan. Ed Spivey points to the part of the ship USS New Jersey where he spent 27 months at sea during World War II. | Her ten-gun 5-inch broadside blew up an armed minesweeper/trawler, and she finished off the destroyer Maikaze. The Battle for Leyte Gulf, by William F. Halsey, Jr., in U.S. The submarines sank two cruisers, and warned Admiral Halsey on USS New Jersey. Moreover, the New Jersey was the first ship on which Admiral Chester Nimitz flew his five-star flag as admiral of the fleet. At 0705, Halsey replied from the New Jersey: NEGATIVE. The Marianas were part of Japans defensive cordon, and Tokyo was only 1,200 miles away within bombing range if the Americans could capture Saipan and base the new B-29 Superfortress there. Best ship in the Navy. Back at Majuro, USS New Jersey again became a flagship during May 1944 for the Pacific Battleship Commander, Admiral Willis Lee. 1957 1968 The Forgotten War, America in Korea 1950-53, by Clay Blair, @ 1987 Clay Blair, Published by Doubleday, New York, NY. The New Jersey then passed through San Bernardino Strait; the same strait through which Japanese battleships fled from the New Jersey in the Battle for Leyte Gulf. On June 30, 1948, USS New Jersey was decommissioned at Bayonne in a ceremony headed by four-star Admirals H. Kent Hewitt and Thomas Kinkaid, who had led amphibious invasions in the European and Pacific Theaters, respectively. Marianas Operations, 4. Four turrets were removed in 1982 to make room for Tomahawk cruise missile and Harpoon anti-ship missile batteries. MacArthur controlled not only the invading Army divisions but also the accompanying Seventh Fleet under Admiral Thomas Kinkaid, whose older battleships, small escort carriers, and amphibious ships landed and supported the ground troops. The number of U.S. Navy ships had reached the lowest level since World War II, while the Soviet Union had greatly added to its surface fleet, including the first of the Kirov-class battlecruisers. Her design and construction provided work to people from 34 separate states who labored at the Philadelphia Navy Yard or manufactured parts elsewhere. That means it lobbed 5,866 sixteen-inch shells and 14,891 five-inch shells. The work to recommission the New Jersey was performed in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where she had been built. As naval aviator and POW Jeremiah Denton said in the 1980s when he was a Senator urging the reactivation of the New Jersey: In Vietnam, we lost hundreds of aircraft at great cost in lives, as well as in dollars, that could have been saved had a battleship been on station. SERVER UPGRADE IN PROGRESS. From then until April 1969, she conducted frequent bombardments along the South Vietnamese coast. While preparing for a second Vietnam tour, she was ordered inactivated and decommissioned in December 1969. The cycle began again, the teenage seamen performing the same tasks their grandfathers had done forty years before. The Soviet commander hears the sound of ripping linen that announces the passage of the monstrous projectiles, and sees the curtain of dust and rock as the battleships shells obliterate his artillery. Try the Ship's Store. The Communist forces had just driven the outnumbered U.N. forces back across the 38th Parallel to the gates of Seoul in the biggest battle of the war. In the typhoons two-day ordeal, Spence and two other destroyers capsized and sank. On August 8, the New Jersey used her 16-inch and 5-inch guns to bombard Wake Island, captured after a heroic defense by the Marines in 1941. U.S. Navy Photo, National Archives number 80-G . Her unique round bridge was replaced by the same squared off bridge that had been installed on Missouri and Wisconsin during their construction and on Iowa during a refit. USS Refuge (AH-11) - Wikipedia Design work for the Iowa class was premised on the recent South Dakota class and the calculations that a ship 108 wide and 860 long at the waterline would make the fastest possible hull form that could fit through the 110-wide Panama Canal. Two months later, World War II broke out in Europe when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. They were alphabetical listings of enlisted personnel who were subject to significant status changes during the month. The task force was subjected to a flurry of attacking bombers and kamikazes, including the first use of rocket-powered piloted flying bombs. AD. The generated steam supplied four sets of Westinghouse geared, double reduction turbines to provide an output shaft horsepower to the four propeller shafts totaling 212,000 horsepower, with the shafts turning up to 202 RPM. Visiting the @acboatshow this weekend? 1 Jul 1945 But the New Jersey and Iowa were faster, handier, more stable, better constructed, and could fire faster and more accurately. With the New Jersey refueling destroyers, Halseys force attacked the Japanese stronghold of Formosa (now known as Taiwan) off the Chinese coast on October 10-14, in what Halsey termed a knock-down, drag-out fight between carrier-based and shore-based air. When a Japanese mass air attack appeared on the New Jerseys radar, they were routed by the Third Fleets coordinated defense. Pull yourself together! Halsey, so mad he could not talk, stormed into his cabin on the New Jersey. USS New Jersey then steamed through the Indian Ocean to the war-torn Persian Gulf. Research Guide: Crew Lists and Muster Rolls - Navy She was then floated pier side where a huge crane could aid in the final stages of construction, including the installation of the three massive, armored gun turrets and much of the topside equipment. Avenger torpedo bombers sank Ozawas flagship Zuikaku, the last surviving carrier from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. New Jersey BB-62 Veterans, Inc. Their website features an online Member Roster, Four quadruple Mark 141 Launchers were mounted on the superstructure to fire sixteen RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, each with a warhead of almost 500 pounds. The New Jersey was awarded the prestigious Spokane Trophy for the best overall excellence in combat systems and warfare readiness. During the battle, USS New Jersey was the principal American flagship where Admiral Halsey made some of the most difficult, dramatic, and debated naval command decisions in World War II. USS New Jersey had played a part by demonstrating American strength and resolve repeatedly during the Cold War. However, the Missouri, named after President Trumans home state and christened by his daughter, was chosen instead. On a diplomatic mission after the formation of the Warsaw Pact, the New Jersey visited feuding NATO allies Greece and Turkey, and was the first U.S. warship to visit Trieste after its restoration to Italy from nonaligned Yugoslavia. These multideck wooden sailing vessels carried 64 to 140 cannons and were designed to fire broadsides at each other while sailing in a line of battle the dominant form of naval combat from the 17th to the 20th centuries. 1969 1981 The New Jersey screened the fleet carriers which again struck Tokyo on February 25, and then reconnoitered and bombed the next invasion target, Okinawa. She hosted a Christmas show for crew and troops by actress Ann-Margret and comedian Bob Hope, who joked the New Jersey was so big she was Wake Island with a rudder.. The Two-Ocean War, A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War, by Samuel Eliot Morison, @ 1963 Samuel Eliot Morison, Published by Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. Fleets of these battleships fought each other in climactic battles that determined the outcomes of the Spanish-American War and the Russo-Japanese War. Meanwhile, USS New Jersey led Iowa, two cruisers, and four destroyers in a sweep around Truk to engage Japanese vessels attempting to escape.
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