"She lights up the part of his chart that's all about creativity, charisma, confidence, and he lights up the parts of her. And yet it so often proves correct. It would be good if more army veterans approached Harry, even through an open letter in the newspaper. It was triggered by the South Node in Sagittarius when most of this global culture war was being manufactured. What could possibly be more disruptive to Charles and Camillas planned coronation ceremony, than a serious question about the legality of their nuptials? But Prince Harry child Archie, I also felt he be going back to the uk, when is is older, but his sister will be an artist and to art, and with many rumours but Archie is the one who going to reunite with Prince George, Any advice on my chart, for the month of January. You truly stand out from all the other astrologers. A therapist would strongly discourage a patient from doing anything that would make their mental health worst. Weve not seen these transits since Henry VIII and Mary I or (if you prefer) Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. I think this drama is driven by Meghan, and that she has brainwashed Harry. I cant help looking at the Jupiter, North Node and Uranus stellium in Taurus (big business) in May and thinking, this is a terrific chance for The Firm to actually become businesslike. My mind is snagged by your line that Leo is about bloodlines. Royal astrologer Debbie Frank shared some wild claims to HELLO! The other baby brother spare would eventually become Richard III after Edwards own death & who declared Edwards sons (the Princes in the Tower) illegitimate thus making himself King. You are on the money about Harry and Andrew being targets. The book would have been legalled very carefully and any editor worth her salt would have raised the danger of that admission by Harry. I wonder what it means? She was delivering a somber speech, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt hear what she was saying. I hope so. And single men have always been the preferred target of foreign intelligence. How strange or odd soeer I bear myself. Harrys astrological chart has aspects to natal Neptune, and from Neptune by transit, thus the unreality. Dianas voice did appear as an E.V.P. I am consistently drawn for some time now, to the image of Cleopatra being rolled out of a rug, and concur that there is something very wrong here, and it goes way back. Any insights on how this ties in with your March 23 predictions? That makes sense. I had a very strong sense, not a feeling, but a sense of connectedness with her, but it was dark, and I knew she was angry. I agree with you that what we are seeing is a puzzle, with a purpose. In fact it seems to do more damage to Harry than the Royal family in my opinion. I can see no one, but I can hear voices in the distance. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. however, when I looked at her chart for the same period, I did not see the same in her chart. Someone has been data mining demographics and voter bases and is using a drip, drip, drip formula to win hearts and minds. The moral conflict between Charles and Harry may have got bogged down amongst other causes (Dianas death; Charles and Camilla getting married etc.) 1. Hi Jessica, A daily mail columnist wrote today that she she was contacted by researchers for Harrys book about Dianas death and the possibility that it was not an accident. Which in my mind doesnt bode at all well for Harry, as being left alone is a calculated move. * Because the birth time information is missing for this chart, the Moon may range up to 6 before or after this position. Dear me, it is so tragic watching any family go through this turmoil. The letters contained a clear message from Diana that she needed protection and were dated. You might also allow Reverend Bingo Allison to appear on television and in newspapers in his lipstick and earrings, knowing full well that the bishops do not approve of Holy Matrimony between two men. March does look explosive. According to journalist Neil Sean on his YouTube this morning, suggestion of a peace summit with Charles, Archbishop Welby and H&M before the coronation originated in USA not the palace. Honey traps are a long part of Soviet strategy and usually happen in Moscow bars, dont they! How? It has now become doubly tragic as a man has been executed. Henry may have married Anne Boleyn twice who does that remind you of? But asking each individual congregation what they want would at least serve rather than alienate. Also I do not wish to deal with the abuse, even anonymously, common on other sites and channels, and the lack of reply by the hosts is frustrating. By the time George is in his 20s, nobody would ask that he marry a woman if he was gay, I believe. He will meet his Nemesis,for sure Thanks in advance. We are being played. :-) And then theres Total Eclipse of The Heart, [Cleopatra], perhaps a prescient lyric. I saw M and H really diminished and tied to a radiator. You make the most money when you land on the front pages or on the news, worldwide, and so of course there will be a bombshell to work with. You mentioned in your article that Harrys Pluto in Scorpio will square Pluto in Aquarius in March 2023. and the waters passed not the word of His Mouth I imagine you know what these yacht girls were on hand for. Because eclipses conceal and because of two photos in both of which Meghan looks pregnant, it is suggested that Meghan may not have carried her firstborn herself and that her pregnancy was a fake pregnancy. The chart also shows Meghan, to Harry, is part of a 'foreign affair' which ends in 2026, as the most enthralling, liberating, peculiar overseas people and places sweep him away. Kate and William. And as usual, youre spot on about all it, and about it circling back to those Leo eclipses as youve saidIm remembering the sculpture of Cleos twins with Mark Antony that is said to symbolize a solar eclipse. Not to mention their acceptance of the Kennedy award for highlighting institutional racism, I think was the term. Two Years Ago - The 2019 Harry and Meghan Prediction. Who has the power here, the monarch, the Anglican faithful or the Archbishop? As for the children for me the jury is still out, but nothing really surprises me with Harry and Meghan anymore. The marriage of her grandson, Harry, to Meghan, happened when the Queen's progressed Venus squared Uranus in Pisces - I guess that is the disruptive mixed-race American wife, who needed to be integrated into the royal household. Harrys revelations (or should that be what he is prepared to reveal rather than conceal are dominating every headline and pushing Ukraine, the NHS, COVID, cost of living crisis, industrial action etc off the front pages. Thank you for following up. Thanks for this insight. Once we are past March and the crisis for the Church of England and Charles, I will look at Dianas chart again. Hiding a secret ceremony. Jessica, James Grey Stuart was the youngest son of the 17th Earl of Moray. Was Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal exit written in the stars? He'll pursue a serious acting career. I agree with you, Charles and Camilla pursued their love for each other while Diana suffered. She indicated that what we are seeing play out right now is tied into the past life of Henry VIII (and karma clearing)! So there a few clanging bells here about what might have led to this quite dangerous seemingly deliberately endangering part of the book. You saw William as King, not Charles. You are solely responsible for what you post. The Seventh House describes her first husband, as much as Harry, so the balance of power with both changes. Someone is having the time of their life writing telenovela plots such as family feuds, jealous woman trying to destroy everyone;s life, unexpected plot twists and turns to possibly distract from the situation in the Ukraine and attempt to destabilise UK/Europe and TRF The misinformation that H & M are now peddling is a manipulative tactic to obsure the truth. The physical outbursts of expressed pain in the family predate Harry and Williams. In London its March 23rd 2023 at 12.23.21pm. On a practical note, the paperback mass-market edition of Spare will benefit from a front-page story, so it is likely to be about Harrys paternity, or the unlawful killing of Diana. Years into the future, Rex Bills produced key words for planets, signs and houses which proves its truth, time after time. Aries (March 21 to April 19): 2022 is a year of change for you, so be prepared to be adaptable and flexible. Thank you. The kind that he cannot walk away from unscathed. Theres much buried treasure in that area-also in matters omitted from history as chronicled by those ignorant of certain past events, as well as by those motivated in preventing future generations from learning them. I sometimes appear in the Daily Mail and you can trust that information. Was it Russia befriending China as USAs enemy? This is first class paparazzi stuff. Big vague paragraph. On the discussion of Anne Boleyn, I read somewhere that Princess Diana was related to Annes sister Mary Boleyn through her father Earl Johnny Spencers family. Arent we giving him (and her) too much credit? Or, even more fitting, kabuki. When Diana died, her butler Paul Burrell took the tapes and after a court battle Peter Settelen was only able to recover part of the whole collection. Its like he is on a crusade to reform the Royal Family for the good of all and he sees his actions are justified. Makes perfect sense Jessica. It will be interesting to see how they handle this situation. This may be why our late Queen did not go to the service. One very good reason is that we were all being deceived by Harry, Meghan and the Archbishop of Canterbury. But todays Water Bearers canand will. (I have not read it). Pass the smelling salts & fan please. I agree, the comments (now past 300) are a brilliant part of the whole story. They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. Born on September 15, 1984 . Pluto moves to 00 Aquarius 00 so adjust for your nearest city. Interesting that the notion of disestablishment was mentioned- even in the negative. The inexplicable anger that I felt at the wedding, together with a television medium I know, and lots of you naturally psychic readers, was likely coming from a signal being sent by Diana. She recovers her composure and I take up the topic of Peter, referring to him as a past relationship. For astrologers, the key degrees in Harrys natal chart which line up with historic charts for the USA and Russia are Sagittarius 9, 16 and 28. So this is bigger than the Princess of Wales and her wardrobe or the Duchess of Sussex, come to that. Google research shows some common connections: That photo has surfaced on Twitter, and she is indeed in it, along with her friends and a young girl described as Epsteins girlfriend. Was this a Moonbump? This was of course the aim of certain foreign enemies all along. He states very matter-of-factly that he(JER), is a Virgo and amusingly, has queried whether Harry can be thrown out of the Virgo Club for his scruffy appearance of late, particularly his shoes. Theres nothing that the Royal Family has to apologise for. Love & blessings! With Pluto in Capricorn leaving Pluto in Aquarius its only right that the majority of people (Aquarius) remember they have the power (Pluto) and not the elite (Capricorn). Or was this trick photography? The bigger picture here is the cycle of the South Node in Libra, which rules marriage, and particularly Holy Matrimony, from July. Moehringer has however exposed many other features of complex trauma, so much so that ex-British military officers are stating Harry appears to have military related PTSD, and even Taliban leaders tweeting their anger and objections to his crass kill count are concluding and stating he needs medical attention. Quite right to do so. Best, Cecelia. It never completely disappears. Perhaps it was the other emerald tiara which Eugenie later borrowed. The advanced seach feature allows you to filter famous people by any planet, aspect, etc. Harry is making a small fortune and there are at least two Russian billionaires in his address book. Soho just a comma or a space bar away from an unfortunate slur. And then we have the saga of Princess Margaret, as you say, not to mention the Abdication. I also like Gyles Brandreth, who is on the British show Would I Lie to You, among others of course, including QI. I feel the same when I read your site there is no hidden agenda with what you do, you are just trying to help as much as you can. This is important, because the Commonwealth is a target of China, and China is in partnership with Russia. About a metre away from me the wind picked up the dust and leaves and whirled them into a spiral. Thank you for your insights, Jessica. Once home to Christine Keeler and a Russian spy scandal. That is not auspicious. Interested readers might want to look at this Wikipedia discussion on the legal aspects (or illegal aspects!) It was waved through under protest and senior officials close to Diana, and experienced royal reporters, as well as (at least) one former Archbishop of Canterbury, had grave doubts. I was reminded of the time shortly before Diana died when I was in that same half state and inwardly saw Arabs plotting but whether to stop Diana and Dodis escape from the Paris hotel or to facilitate it, I really couldnt say. H & M are certainly giving the world a lesson in something. Indeed Beijing and Moscow are on team Harry & Meghan. TBC, I guess. Again smoke and mirrors! As for royalty, I think no human being should be the subject of another I cant get it Royalty seems so archaic to me Bloodlines, privileges by birth, power over people It must be my French revolutionary side kicking in (!) The King was determined to end the affair and insisted that his son had to marry. What a sharp contrast that tight fit family of 4 is to what we have now. Best, Cecelia, Another fascinating article. The taped conversation that spawned Camillagate was kept secretly by an un-named member of the public for almost three years before being handed over to Harry Arnold of the Daily Mirror in November of 1992. Id also like to know more about the man Harry claims is like a father to him who organised the Russian oligarchs house. The Grand Duchess died in 1920 and Queen Mary bought it. The Archbishop of Canterbury secretly wed Harry and Meghan three days before the official church ceremony. Its being played out in the internet age with an awful lot of red flags suggesting nothing here is by the two of them, just for the two of them. All very odd. Can you look at my chart, please? Thank you Amelie. Diana is the trump card (or the Trump card, if you believe in the Trump-Russia operation, ongoing). Ye Gods. The article in the Daily Mail also mentioned that the Archbishop Justin Welby had to pull out of the General Synod in 2019 to perform baby Archies christeninggiven all the controversy surrounding the pregnancy (moon bump?) Wishing everyone blessings love and light. Then theres that other blessing we assume thats what it was when Welby joined Harry and Meghan in the garden without telling anybody, until Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in front of millions and so he had to explain himself. My feeling is they lied on the first pregnancy dates etc, to throw the press off, same as when they said they were married by the Arch Bishop before Ceremony and he said it didnt happen Ron Burkle was in Jeffrey Epsteins little black book and in his private jet log as reported in New Yorks most trusted magazine. A big reason is certainly his own childhood. Why did PH insist the paragraph about the Taliban went in? Oddly wasnt there some secrecy and controversy at the time about H8 and Anne Boleyns nuptials? Read a report that $950 dollar a seat tickets to Hs BetterUp talk in March have allegedly barely sold a third of seats for his section. Yes. Im hooked between your questioning, astrology, historic research, psychic thoughts and the public writing in to you with their contributions. Once people wake up to the deceit, they become defiant about the truth, and the games over. Another separate issue is the US-UK Special Relationship which is being fractured thanks to this bizarre artificial war manufactured online. Cant wait for them to get divorced and H to go back to England. Over the years I have spoken to both Dianas mediums, on the phone, and I am friends with two of her astrologers. Big thanks for your generous astrology answers. I think we deserve better. Amelie. Harry has always wanted out of the Royal Family. This feature may end up being most commented of 2023 on my website by the time we finish the first phase of Pluto in Aquarius (June 2023) which is the cycle behind all this monarchy malarkey. Your psychic friend is interesting on the subject of Diana. Henry Herbert is no longer with us neither is Barry Mannakee (Dianas former bodyguard) who rumour has it was another of Dianas lovers. Your email address will not be published. Would you please explain why? Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts and our comments. This of course could refer to Charlotte not being a man. Less than six months later Anne had been executed and Henry had married the third of his six wives, Jane Seymour. She was killed because she was going to marry Dodi and because he was of a different religion, it didnt please the RF at all. This is fascinating and recalls the astrology of the Charles and Camilla wedding. Well talk later, take care, keep safe. Thank you Jessica and have a great start to the week! James Stuarts son has stated that his father always had a sad look in his eyes and had admitted to having been in love with Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. Thanks. Lord help us if she tries to recover this by releasing her own autobiography ever sees the light of day. Her Choices seem very calculated, and these colours are the exact ones the Queens jockeys wear. I shall someday soon be writing a book about the long-kept secret that history has lied in saying that Anne suffered a miscarriage in prison, where she was placed by Henry to await her execution. As for Clevr (sic) that wasnt particularly clever, was it? For the short term anyway. It would be great for some Anglican theologians to join this discussion. Why he doesnt name the Russian who gave them their Canadian refuge when they left the United Kingdom. Please read it again. Odd that Vladimir is such an easy name to remember but not for H seemingly. Hello everyone, I decided to try reading on Harry Styles. Its interesting to see how busy the Anglicans have been since Charles III replaced his mother. And what is the deal with the bridesmaids dresses. I was wondering if that could be the issue for the Church? I was thinking about two cycles that crash into each other in 2023 that might give us some more information. Or did she just sort of happen to be there type thing b/c say the RF wanted to further US relations by having her there? Fortunately the eclipse days later tells me that the photo shoot, the angles of the lensmen involved, the fallout online (easily manufactured) and so on, had a purpose. It is widely agreed that had he invaded Britain he would have re instated Edward VIII as King along with Wallis. Poor Henry ended up dying in the Tower under shadowy circumstances during Edwards second reign. You may have seen them. When she told us that our late Queen had bone cancer, she was echoing Gyles Brandreth, who Ive met and who follows me on Twitter, as I do him. Archbishop Welby has not had a good week either. Oh, thats interesting. At the same time, everything the pair do, is commonly photographed or filmed, isnt it? Nottingham (Nottingham Cottage, or Nott Cott, as Harry calls their old home) Years ago I met someone and I remember telling my husband after meeting her, that I felt angels are among us. If Pluto is nearing a conjunction with your natal Mercury at 28 Capricorn, and an opposition to your natal Moon at 28 and Saturn at 27 Cancer, use astrology to sidestep career, home, academic career, family issues. Maybe they want to get rid of the Monarchy with all their Woke friends and associates. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/06/uk/prince-harry-taliban-afghanistan-criticism-intl-gbr/index.html. And you are right about losing the support of those abroad, mainly in Africa. Her word salad pronouncements are very irritating to any logically-inclined person who has tried to get through & make sense of them. Images of gargoyles, devils, and biblical scenes involving figures such as Moses and Joh the Baptist flash past and there are sounds of chanting. Youre an outstanding psychic astrologer and tarot reader, Ive always said that. Yes, a few people have raised this anomaly. He has a Virgo stellium and this is the sign we associate with mental health. He seems to be so sure of his relationship with Meghan that he is happily burning bridges with friends and family in her defence. The uncrowned Charles III has always had strong views. I dont necessarily expect you to respond to this on comments but I wanted to share some visions Ive had on this awful matter. When I open it, I find a strange-looking object about three feet in size the only thing this object vaguely resembles is the ornate hand of a large clock. This will change the way we work and live forever and deliver a four-day week. She did not feel like a threat, rather she was watching over the family trying to keep them safe. I know she didnt love him and wanted to marry another. Dont know how much more I can take.thank you so much. Surely his brother and father will lead by example and forgive him, acting like the Kings and Heads of the Church of England they were born to be. It will take around nine months to complete. We are now heading for Pluto in Aquarius, replacing Pluto in Capricorn. The three of them decided to release it when his grandfather was dying. The late queens statement Recollections may vary is at the heart of it! Thank you ! I so appreciate everything you are sharing on this. If they are randomly stumbling through years of disruption affecting the polls on a republic; the unity of the Commonwealth; the Special Relationship between the US and UK then they are doing a marvellous job. This year is shown astrologically to be a time of great instability for Britain. Thank you and Happy Lunar New Year to you, too. harry styles astrology predictions. A womb scan of Meghans stomach? It just does what it does. Thank you for your reply. Former captain in the British forces if he was still in service today he may have been involved in Ukraine. Despite many operations on the Bible, truths still remain. By the way the Queen will have left everything to King Charles. I had hoped that he would find the family life that William seems to have achieved but that seems to be escaping him I think he has a lot of heartache ahead but I really hope that his next relationship will be the one to bring him home in every way. The hive mind is keeping us all updated on what will turn out to be a little bit of online history; Im sure people were equally consumed by history when King Henry VIII founded the Church of England. The new stamps show Charles without a crown. I am fascinated by this story in The Hill. Ultimately, Dianas message is that she was extremely grateful for the people who gave her so much love and she sends a wave (see mer in French /mother) of love, light and joy to everyone (in short). Which may explain why the book has an odd vibe. Real political power, to overturn democracy, in fact. It was well known in social circles that Camilla saw her as a threat, Charles having described Kanga as the only woman who ever truly understood me. Like for eg the grey men Diana talked about, as some PR thing? Thank you. If I may, I will quote what she said, as printed: Not only by reading books, but also through the quiet contemplation of Lexigrams, you can receive insights occasionally even leading you into a penetration of both the truth and falsehood of myth and legend. Its obviously weighing on me quite a lot. August 7th 2017 Sun 15 Leo Moon 15 Aquarius Pix on internet of H&M with him and Eugenia and Jack at Halloween party 2016. To the person who went on a rant : wed rather you stay, but if you want, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. Certainly the links with America throughout the dream are strong, as is the association of ideas: The Declaration of Indepence and the Queen being removed to some isolated position exiled, if you like indicate to my mind that by not agreeing to the contract drafted some centuries previously, the monarchy would be vulnerable to falling off its pedestal indeed, it would stand no chance at all of remaining in place and intact. Welby said he wont be told what to do by MPs. The Netflix documentary fingering the Commonwealth as the second British Empire must have been music to the ears of Britains enemies. Hi Jessica In relation to that point, commenters have said that the information given in this video has come out before (not sure when, so not sure what Mercury was doing then). They already changed the sexism in the succession, but it may be time to look at a completely different way of deciding who leads. This line of thought (not the specifics, but the possibility of two witnesses) was suggested by an Anglican official who advised another Archbishop of Canterbury. You can see whats coming next, cant you! This has been carefully set up with the Taliban statement in Spare. This ran in the Daily Mail, quite possibly one of Harrys least favourite newspapers on the planet, on 19th October 2020. Would you not accept the rules of the position and enjoy your life in Britain? I also predicted Harry meeting a foreigner and falling head over heels in love that would be the One in 2017. I was sad to see a subscriber leave because of the discussions here and I am sure you (sadly) get much more abusive comments that you dont post. And again in revolutionary France on a later cycle, the whole monarchy was replaced. Eclipses are always cover-ups. None of us like being mucked around, do we? Ive learned from experience to always record these things, so Ill leave it in. Its just as questionable as the Taliban admission in Spare. I have heard that suggestion too, that the reference to the Taliban in Spare was designed to provoke threats against Prince Harry or his family in the US and thus enable personal security, funded by the government. There is a theory that pain unprocessed by generations will be passed onto the next to carry and feel (embody and enact) . You cannot see arrogance in an astrological chart, but you can certainly see fate for one man, and fate for big organisations, entwined.
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