A smoke screen concealed preparations on the west bank of the Rhine. British Air Forces in Germany came under the command of RAF Germany. Road transport accounted for another 29,865 personnel and 23,360 trucks. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. London: William Kimber, 1971. Not all general accounts of the postwar army have overlooked the services experiences in developing ground forces for nuclear war, however. The Dumbo pipeline was extended from Boulogne to Antwerp in March. + $18.23 shipping. The British Second Army also had access to the American class 70 timber pile bridge at Venlo and the Canadian First Army class 70 bridge at Grave. British army inner german border.jpg 1,941 1,368 . The deployment of BAOR on the European Central Front was symbolic of British political intent vis--vis European security and was the military means by which Britain sought to deter a conventional or nuclear Warsaw Pact attack. For this the British Second Army deployed 1,520 field and medium guns, and the US Ninth Army . List of units and formations of the British Army, "Neuer britischer Kommandeur in Paderborn", "Adventurous Training Foundation Delivery (AFTD)", Overseas military bases of the United Kingdom, British Forces British Indian Ocean Territories, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=British_Army_Germany&oldid=1141875126, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Military command, support, and administration, Land Training Fleet (Sennelager) which provides and maintains a pool of. [32][34], To free up administrative units to support the advance into Germany, it was decided to shorten the line of communications by closing down the RMA in Normandy, where some 300,000 long tons (300,000t) of supplies were still held. During this advance it suffered 7,665 casualties and captured 78,108 prisoners. [18], Eisenhower ordered Montgomery to resume his preparations for Operation Veritable, the objective of which was to defeat the German forces west of the Rhine. Three bridges were constructed there, but by the time they opened II Canadian Corps already had its three Canadian divisions across the Rhine. The Oxford History of the British Army. They were also utilised for duties such as manning level crossings. I Canadian Corps advanced on Utrecht, supported by No. Between 1945 and 1957, West Germany made a dizzying pivot from Nazi bastion to Britain's Cold War ally against the Soviet Union. [87][88] A 300-metre (980ft) Class 9 FBE bridge was built over the Elbe at Lauenburg by the VIII Corps engineers on 29 April. 15 Army Roadhead opened in the Almelo area on 18 April and was stocked by road from No. [78] The 21st Army Group headquarters also allocated three additional general transport companies to the British Second Army. A train caught alight, and the fire spread to three nearby storage tanks. While most of its units were British or Canadian, there were also contingents from Belgium, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia and Poland,[1] and the RAF Second Tactical Air Force operating in support also had Australian, French, New Zealand and Norwegian squadrons. There were doubts as to whether this need could be met, but the situation was eased by the fortuitous arrival of 4,700 tonnes (4,600 long tons) of ammunition that had been pre-loaded on some of the transport that had been allocated by the 21st Army Group. The "Waterloo" class 9 FBE could not be built at the intended site at Rees on 24 March because the town had not been captured. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 616 Squadron RAF began operating Gloster Meteor jet fighters from Brussels, and they required kerosene. [102] Lend Lease aid from the United States and a high degree of industrial mobilisation provided the equipment and materiel. staff to a British Advanced Ordnance Depot. Please subscribe or login. Preparations were made to move it to a new site, but this was not required. [75][66] The road network was also developed, and by 23 March eleven routes were open across the Maas, of which six were in the First Canadian Army area, including the sole class 70 route (ie one capable of carrying loads of up to 70 tonnes (69 long tons)) and five in the British Second Army area. [30] All movements were completed by the second week of April. In addition to the storm boats, DUKWs, Buffaloes and Weasels,[62] there were also amphibious DD tanks. [68] By the time the amphibious phase of Operation Plunder commenced at 09:00 on 23 March,[69] 61,000 tonnes (60,000 long tons) of ammunition, 18,000 tonnes (18,000 long tons) of POL, 5,100 tonnes (5,000 long tons) of supplies, 30,000 tonnes (30,000 long tons) of engineer stores and 5,500 tonnes (5,400 long tons) of other stores had been dumped at No. Due to the proximity of Rees, the VIII Corps Troops Engineers could not work on the "London" class 40 Bailey pontoon bridge until the afternoon of 25 March, and it was opened at 23:00 on 26 March. The aim was to re-establish patrols in these areas and flush out paramilitaries from urban bases. Only three could be provided by the 21st Army Group: the 5th Line of Communications Sub Area and the 101st Beach Sub Area when released from the RMA, and the 9th Line of Communications Sub Area, when it was no longer required for Operation Goldflake. [30], A rail halt was established at Gevrey-Chambertin and bivouac areas at Montbard and Chalon-sur-Sane. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nine people, including three civilians, and many wounded. Meanwhile, the class 40 Bailey pontoon bridge at Xanten was erected by the 7th Army Troops Engineers in 31 hours, and opened to traffic at 16:30 on 25 March. Mar 1. Consequently, the daily pack trains that carried supplies were normally run straight through from the advanced base to the corps railheads, which were normally stocked on a commodity basis, and the roadheads supporting the First Canadian Army carried much less stock than its British Second Army counterparts. It was therefore agreed that from 1 March onwards, 81,000 tonnes (80,000 long tons) of fuel held in British storage would be transferred to the Americans so that both armies could have thirty days' reserves. BMH Iserlohn was housed in Argonne Barracks which was a German Calvary and Armoured Regiment building from the 1930s. british army of the rhine bases . Corps Water Polo Championships, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine)Team Winners, Aldershot. French, David. Each man crossing the Rhine was issued with a 24-hour ration, an emergency ration, a tin of preserved meat, a tin of self-heating soup or cocoa, a packet of biscuits and a tommy cooker with six hexamine tablets. [2] With the end of the Cold War, and the Options for Change defence review in the early 1990s, BFG as a whole was considerably reduced, with the British presence centred on the 1st Armoured Division, and supporting elements. In 1947 all Batteries except those of the Royal Horse Artillery were placed on a single roll. Many had seen hard use in the Ardennes, where they had demonstrated their utility, and large numbers were in the REME workshops. By this time the system consisted of 1,811 kilometres (1,125mi) of pipelines and storage tanks with a capacity of 104,770 tonnes (103,120 long tons). A new ordnance field park was formed to hold the equipment, which was shipped from the UK. [19], During the height of "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland, the IRA targeted personnel in Germany between 1988 and 1990. The 690-metre (2,250ft) class 40 and 70 steel-piled jetty bridges were built at Arnhem by the First Canadian Army engineers, and opened on 31 May, and the 440-metre (1,450ft) class 40 and class 70 timber pile bridges at Zutphen were completed on 26 May. The Royal Navy formed Force U, consisting of three squadrons, each with a flotilla of twelve Landing Craft Medium (LCM), and a flotilla of twelve Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel (LCVP), which were transported by road across Holland and Belgium to participate. [32][33], A major user of fuel was the Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation (FIDO) system at pinoy, which consumed 410,000 litres (90,000impgal) per night. The British Army of the Rhine was born in 1945 out of the British Liberation Army at the close of the war as the military government of the British zone of occupied Germany. This freed the 9th Line of Communications Sub Area to participate in Operation Goldflake. [59][60] Ammunition for the 25-pounders was based on 1,500 rounds per gun. [85], During the first three weeks of April 1945, the Second Army advanced about 320 kilometres (200mi) across northern Germany to reach the Elbe on 19 April. Look through examples of British Army of the Rhine translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. The Mediterranean theatre was only able to provide two field bakeries. [66] The British rail line of communications now ran from Antwerp to Nijmegen via Roosendaal and Tilburg,[67] where the railway bridge that had opened on 22 December was duplicated by 3 January 1945. In a European context the first step in this process was the 1947 Anglo-French Treaty of Dunkirk. Blaxland 1971 and Mallinson 2009, for example, have produced histories of the army which are not entirely dominated by narratives of counterinsurgency campaigns. [80] Although working in the British Second Army area, they remained under the command of the US Ninth Army. [66][76], At Gennep, the 6th Army Troops Engineers built a 312-metre (1,023ft) class 30 Bailey bridge using the piers and abutments of a demolished railway bridge. These two photos were taken in late 1956 by Lab Tech Cpl Peter Elgar: The army roadheads were mainly supplied by rail. A problem was encountered when defects were discovered in the tensioners of the 29th Armoured Brigade's new Comet tanks. On 4 May Montgomery took the surrender of the German forces in front of the 21st Army Group. It took part in the Overlord invasion of Europe in 1944 and through to the end of war in Germany. The longer shipping time meant that a working margin of 30 days' supplies was desirable instead of the one of 14 days for shipments from the United Kingdom. SGT Served from 1967 - 1985 Served in British Army of the Rhine. Both formations had areas of responsibility located around the German section of the River Rhine. A German V-2 rocket scored a direct hit on the British POL installation at Antwerp on 19 January. Media in category "British Army of the Rhine". A general study of the historical experiences that have shaped the British army. [6] In 1967, the force was reduced in strength to 53,000 soldiers. [62], Once the link-up with the ground forces was effected, the 6th Airborne Division drew its supplies from XII Corps, while the US 17th Airborne Division drew its from the US Ninth Army. Its original function was to control the corps districts which were running the military government of the British zone of occupied Germany. Stores still required by the 21st Army Group were moved forward to the new advanced base, and the rest returned to the War Office for disposal. Photo courtesy of RAMC Lab Tech Cpl Peter Elgar 1958. As a result, vehicles owned by personnel ceased to have distinct registration plates, which had made them easily identifiable. This included 15,000,000 rations, which were gradually eaten by the troops in the RMA. [30], The two airborne divisions participating in Operation Varsity, the airborne operation supporting Operation Plunder, were initially supplied by the First Allied Airborne Army. Contains informative chapters on the precarious position of BAOR during the austerity years of 19461953 and of the contribution made by BAOR to conventional deterrence throughout the Cold War. [51] Each of the assaulting infantry carried five days' supplies, and the armoured divisions carried six. [44] The 25-pounders were each provided with an additional 1,471 rounds in addition to the 206 rounds per gun each regiment normally carried. There have been two formations named British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). The second class 40 Bailey pontoon bridge, "Sparrow", was built by the 4th GHQ Troops Engineers on 27 March. A Mail on Sunday . The British 6th Airborne Division was withdrawn to the UK and re-equipped there, but its seaborne tail had to be re-equipped by the 21st Army Group. A large force of engineer units was assembled for the operation: 37,000 British and Canadian engineers and pioneers, and 22,000 American engineers. Garrisons which closed at this time included Soest (home of the 6th Armoured Brigade),[8] Soltau (home of the 7th Armoured Brigade)[9] and Minden (home of the 11th Armoured Brigade).[10]. They were augmented by 1,891 and 1,446 anti-aircraft guns and anti-tank guns. The second British Army on the Rhine was formed on 25 August 1945 from 21st Army Group. Please appreciate that the site as a whole is, and probably always will be, subject to "Work In Progress", "Page Under Construction", "Page Under Revision", etc. The 11th Line of Communications Area took over the administration of the ports and the entire advanced base area, freeing the 12th Line of Communications Area headquarters to move forward. von | Jun 17, 2022 | tornadoes of 1965 | | Jun 17, 2022 | tornadoes of 1965 | Printer friendly. The Regiments Depart: A History of the British Army, 19451970. Three days later, XII Corps did the same to facilitate the capture of Hamburg, but the expenditure of ammunition at Bremen was not as great as anticipated, and this allowed XII Corps's requirements to be met in full. The British Army of 19441945 was highly mechanised, which conferred great tactical and strategic manoeuvrability. [7] The British Second Army liberated Brussels on 3 September, and Antwerp was captured virtually intact on 4 September,[8] but it could not be used as a port until the Germans were cleared from the Scheldt approaches, through which ships had to pass to reach the port. Chieftain provides a complete array of British equipment and maneuver units, from Chieftain and Challenger tanks through MCV-80 and Saxon APCs. Army personnel will be permanently based in the country where the UK is retaining the 45-square mile Sennelager Training Area, which provides both UK and NATO forces with an expansive live firing. There have been two formations named British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). GYM. 19191929. [89][88] The high use of road transport meant that the Second Army was burning 7,600 tonnes (7,500 long tons) of petrol a day, but the supply of fuel caused no problems. Pipelines were now constructed from Calais to Ghent, and thence to the storage facilities around Antwerp. [42] The weight of shell employed would still be formidable; the fire plan still called for 6 tonnes (6 long tons) of shells to be delivered on designated targets, and some would receive up to 11 tonnes (11 long tons). An emergency repair effort was conducted, and many were shipped direct from the workshops to the front lines. To secure the required transportation resources, eleven general transport companies, seven artillery transport platoons, a tank transporter company, a bulk petrol transport company, a petrol depot, a bridge company and an ambulance car company were transferred from Italy. Four days later orders came that disarmed troops would no longer have prisoner of war status, but would be classified as Surrendered Enemy Personnel, and that their own officers would be responsible for their administration. [12] Civilian labour was utilised at the bases in a variety of tasks to enable military personnel to be released for service in forward areas. When the flood waters subsided, it was found that the Nijmegen-Cleve road surface had been too badly damaged to use, so the II Canadian Corps and XXX Corps were forced to share the road running south of the Reichswald. Happily, we were posted to the British Army of the Rhine, in my case, to 282 (Welsh) Field Company, RE, in the 63rd (Welsh) Division. The link was not copied. [87] The 21st Army Group allocated an additional 2,190 tonnes (2,160 long tons) of road transport capacity to the Second Army between 27 March and 3 April. If you can't find it - tell us, if you know something - tell us. [63][72] The seaborne tail of the 6th Airborne Division established a DUKW replenishment area west of the Rhine from whence supplies were moved until it could cross the river. Their construction would require 3,000 wooden piles 30 centimetres (12in) in diameter and 18 to 23 metres (60 to 75ft) in length. The BAOR was formerly armed with tactical nuclear weapons. this page. [91], On 3 May an VIII Corps FMC at Lneburg was taken over by the Second Army and used as an advance roadhead in conjunction with No. 14 Army Roadhead. After some debate, the Combined Chiefs of Staff endorsed his strategy at the Malta Conference in January and February 1945. The XXX Corps FMC series started at 151 while the II Canadian Corps one started at 201, and the stark difference in maintenance practices between the two corps was illustrated by the fact that XXX Corps had opened three times as many FMCs in the campaign up to this point. BRITISH ALLIES ARMY RAF. Both were originally occupation forces in Germany, one after the First World War and the other after the Second World War. They had had better relations with the British than with the French, and they would have brought a measure of stability and prosperity in the difficult economic conditions of 1920s Germany. Following the war the BLA was redesignated to become the British Army of the Rhine in August . 16 Army Roadhead from railtails around Bocholt using captured rolling stock and locomotives. Most of these units were progressively dissolved, so that by February 1920 there were only regular battalions: In August 1920 Winston Churchill told the British Parliament that the BAOR comprised approximately 13,360 troops, consisting of staff, cavalry, Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, infantry, machine gun corps, tanks, and the usual ancillary services. The next major operation was Operation Plunderthe assault crossing of the Rhine. The troops in the assault units were issued with 24-hour ration packs, together with a Tommy cooker and a tin containing tea, condensed milk and sugar, enabling the troops in the front line to brew a hot cup of tea. The next major operation was Operation Plunderthe assault crossing of the Rhine on 23 March. Until the railway bridges could be brought into operation, maintenance depended entirely on road transport. Posted 30 March , 2015. carndook. Post war First Corps District administered Rhine Province and Westphalia. Include Description. New search features Acronym Blog Free tools . There have been two formations named British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). Engineers soon had bridges over the Rhine in operation, which were then superseded by more permanent road and rail bridges. British Army Germany was formed in 2020 to administer the remaining service personnel, UK Civil Servants, and dependents (family members), based in Germany.[2]. [70] Of the 610 tonnes (600 long tons) of supplies and equipment dropped, 80 per cent was recovered. [18], The British Army Germany rugby union team regularly played games against emerging rugby nations like Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg. [14] With the German offensive defeated, the US First Army reverted to American command on 18 January 1945,[15] but the US Ninth Army remained part of the 21st Army Group until 4 April. The problem had been foreseen, and replacements were available on the ordnance depots. The bivouac areas were provided with temporary billets, latrines, emergency rations and fuel, and medical teams and vehicle maintenance crews were on hand. Moody, Simon J. Imagining Nuclear War in the British Army, 19451989. TR. [39][40], The artillery fire plan for Operation Veritable called for the widespread use of "pepperpot tactics". Includes a chapter on the creation of the postmodern regimental system between 1945 and 1970 against the backdrop of postwar austerity and the consequent reorganization and amalgamation of many regiments. [12] The two central garrisons - Gtersloh and Paderborn - combined to form a single 'super garrison' called Westfalen Garrison in April 2014. [24], The Combined Chiefs further decided to reinforce Eisenhower's armies in North West Europe at the expense of those in the Mediterranean. The second British Army of the Rhine was formed on 25 August 1945 from the British Liberation Army. [51] Extremely cold conditions persisted into February, and the divisions were issued with Arctic clothing and equipment that had been stockpiled for operations in Norway. Two pipelines were laid across the Rhine at Emmerich and were in operation by the end of April. [36] Operation Veritable would be spearheaded by the five British divisions of Lieutenant General Sir Brian Horrocks's XXX Corps, and would form part of a giant pincer movement with Operation Grenade, which would be conducted by Lieutenant General William H. Simpson's US Ninth Army. They were then loaded into landing ships, tank (LSTs) that took them to Marseilles, and onto flat wagons again for the five-day railway journey to Dixmude. 12 and 14 Army Roadheads were being run down. [47], The opening of a railway bridge over the Maas at Ravenstein on 4 February enabled the FMCs to be served by rail. During the Great War (1914-1918) approximately 900,000 men, a quarter of the whole Army. Both formations had areas of responsibility located around the German section of the River Rhine . The object sank after being cut loose during an attempt to recover it, and the swimmer was captured. [2] The Cologne Post was a newspaper published for members of the BAOR during this period. Demands for smoke generators exhausted the available stocks and generators were taken from the anti-aircraft gun positions around Antwerp. That day trains also began arriving at No. As the Soviet threat increased, so BAOR became less of an occupational army and assumed the role of defender of Western Europe, and as a major contributor to NATO after 1949. It was also anticipated that as the Allied advance proceeded into Germany, there would be increased demand to feed and accommodate prisoners of war, liberated Allied prisoners and displaced persons. BAOR stands for British Army Of the Rhine. [13], During the German Ardennes Offensive in December 1944, the Supreme Allied Commander, General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, transferred the US First and Ninth Armies to Montgomery's command. Although our understanding of the service has been considerably deepened by subsequent scholarship, the book provides the broader context for thinking about the army after 1945. Thank you. 11 Army Roadhead, it was dependent on the daily arrival of ammunition trains. In a broader context, Barnett 1970 and Chandler and Beckett 2003 provide an essential overview of the experiences that have shaped the British Army over its long history. By January 1945, some 90,000 civilians were employed by the 21st Army Group, of whom half were employed in workshops in the advanced base, and 14,000 at the port of Antwerp. The best introduction to the regimental system of the British army. [60] Every available amphibious craft was collected. No. [71] The supplies dropped represented a day's supply of food, fuel and petrol for the two divisions. [81] The XII Corps plan called for the construction of a class 9 Folding Boat Equipment (FBE) bridge, a class 12 Bailey pontoon bridge and two class 40 Bailey pontoon bridges. In due course it was relieved by a vehicle park from Italy. All this week on Forces TV we are focusing on 'Rebasing' from Germany, as the countdown to drawdown steps up a gear. This operation to cross the northern Rhine River launched in the night of 23 Mar 1945. At the rail stop there were messes and a kitchen that ran 24 hours a day. Likewise, French 2008 and Strachan 2000 have produced histories of the cultural attitudes of the British Army and how the institution relates to wider society. The best introduction to the regimental system of the British army. [28][29] The first vehicles to arrive came with only fifty drivers, so a detachment from 141 Vehicle Park was sent to Marseilles from the RMA. These were manufactured locally in Brussels and fitted in Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) workshops. This involved a large expenditure of ammunition, including some that was in short supply like ML 4.2-inch mortar rounds and the Mark VIIIz ammunition used by the Vickers machine gun. For this the British Second Army deployed 1,520 field and medium guns, and the US Ninth Army had 624 field and medium guns. [4] German resistance was stubborn, and the British and Canadian advance much slower than planned until July,[5] when the American Operation Cobra broke through the German defences. This account will transfer to the new Comd British Army Germany, Col Tim Hill. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. In turn this demanded a high degree of organisation and professionalism required to utilise the available machines and firepower to best effect. Contents 1 History 1.1 1919-1929 Until the railway bridges could be brought into operation, maintenance depended entirely on road transport. Some 10,000 tonnes (10,000 long tons) of wooden piles, baulks and chesses was assembled for the project. Both were originally occupation forces in Germany, one after the First World War, and the other after the Second World War. As the Soviet threat increased, so BAOR became less of an occupational army and assumed the role of defender of Western Europe, and as a major contributor to NATO after . 14 Army Roadhead. [52], Special tracks were provided for the Bren gun carriers to prevent skidding on icy roads, but these had to be withdrawn when it was discovered that they caused excessive wear and tear on their suspensions. [43] The ammunition dumping program was completed by 4 February, by which time 14,400 tonnes (14,200 long tons) of ammunition had been dumped at the gun positions, and 23,100 tonnes (22,700 long tons) at the XXX Corps and II Canadian Corps FMCs. Daily expenditure of ammunition soon exceeded a trainload, so the non-arrival of even one train meant that ammunition had to be drawn from the Second Army roadhead at Bourg Leopold. 13 Army Roadhead while II Canadian Corps advanced on Oldenburg supported from No. [28], It was estimated that seven line of communications sub area headquarters would be required to support the advance into Germany. Moody 2020 provides the first comprehensive study of how the army intellectualized the arrival of nuclear weapons and how they might be employed in a future war. It was also feared for a time that the skeleton FMC was in danger of being inundated, although it was sited on high ground.
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